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Thread: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

  1. #1

    People Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    There are two recurrent criticisms of Coach Desormeaux: lack of experience; and lack of a network for recruiting coaches.

    1. Experience
    "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

    When I think back over some of the coaching disappointments over the years, in all sports, two themes stand out:
    >>They didn't have a lot of ambition. Some of them started out with fire, but became demoralized for various reasons.
    >>They didn't believe UL could become a major player. (See my thread about Hiring from Within.)

    Mike faces a learning curve. But then, so does Saban, every year. The real question is, How quickly will Mike learn?

    a) Mike is smart, ambitious, and a hard worker. I think we can agree that he'll learn very quickly.

    b) He has talent to draw from. At our level, talent often appears to be the primary divider between winners & also-rans. Remember when people here were furious when they found we had passed on a chance to hire Blakeney? The man was clearly a football genius, because Troy was dominating the 'Belt.

    Then the rest of the conference found out that Troy was getting superior talent by exploiting an NCAA loophole, and shut it down. Without the superior talent, Blakeny faded away, and Troy dropped to the back of the pack.

    Which is why I suspect our mediocre coaches often survived. Even without much effort, they could win a minimum number of games from the quality of our local talent. Louisiana has a surplus of athletes (remember, it's one reason Billy came here), and our alumni/supporter base is now large enough, and belief in our program is growing enough, that recruiting is getting easier. In addition, with State, LTU, & Tulane in turmoil, and with Mike being a strong recruiter, things look pretty good.

    c) The UL administration and our supporters are now committing the necessary resources for continued growth. We should keep moving up.

    Mike has the drive, the discipline, and the intelligence to grow us, and grow with us.

    2. Coaching Network

    a) I think we're not looking at this right. D-meaux (as in 'D-meaux-lition Squad') now belongs to an elite club of 130 FBS head coaches. In addition, he is HC at one of the premier mid-majors, perhaps after Cincy goes to the B12, arguably the premier mid-major. From what I have seen, most of the FBS coaches, despite any on-field rivalries, are very collegial with one another. In particular, they make themselves available to the younger members. Some of that is character, but it's also survival. That explanation follows.

    b) Dez already has a powerful network: Napier is his mentor, and because of the kind of people Billy & Mike are, that will continue indefinitely. Mike can call Billy at any time. From there, Napier can connect him to Saban, Sweeney, and pretty much the entire SEC & beyond.

    c) P5 coaches will be eager to help Mike get assistant coaches. It's an odd thing about coaching: you want to hold on to good assistants, but if a HC gets a reputation for not helping assistants move up, he will have trouble recruiting coaching talent in the future.

    d) It works both ways. In a way, the mid-majors function a bit like farm teams: the P5 sends us assistants now for experience, and then recruit them back at higher levels down the road. So Head Coaches are very careful about their recommendations, knowing that if word gets out that they recommend weak candidates, it could bite their 6 later because the other schools won't trust them on recommendations. Their damaged reputation will also hinder their ability to hire from other schools, and once again they are at a disadvantage hiring talent, but now from both ends of the spectrum.

    The only way all of this fails is if we waste the talent the P5 sends us, if we aren't focused, disciplined, tough, and supportive of improving the people they send us.

    I just don't think that will happen under Mike

    Given the preceding, there are 3 scenarios, and an upside that I have not seen mentioned.

    1) Mike produces a losing record.
    For the above reasons, I doubt that will happen.

    2) Mike produces a mediocre record.
    We old-timers remember the 6-5 doldrums, good enough for the HC to keep his job, but not good enough for us to move up. We could see a talent and coaching drop-off next year (look at Clemson, even the mighty stumble) but I can't see Mike accepting mediocrity. And again, he's a fast learner. So I think any decline would be temporary.

    3) Mike keeps stoking the engine.
    The pistons keep pumping, and we keep winning. No problem.

    Which brings up a huge upside to all of this. If my analysis here is correct, if Mike puts out a winning product over the next few years, and if UL & the community keep supporting him, it is unlikely Mike will leave us for the P5. Mike could be our head coach for the next 20-30 years.

    If we support Mike, he's the kind of guy that could get us into a P5 conference.

    So let's support him.

  2. Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    Solid takes Dr. Fun

  3. #3

    Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    Excellent points!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    I like it….

  5. #5

    Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    "Mike could be our head coach for the next 20-30 years."

    I was thinking about this yesterday when I found out MD was our new HC. That is what happened at App State. They had a very good coach that created a culture and liked it there. 30 years roughly, of winning football, creating an atmosphere. I think that was one of the things feeding into Dr. Maggard's thought process.

    I can handle 30 years of a winning tradition. We gotta 4 year start!

  6. Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    It is not often a G5 has an opportunity to make its best hire and there is a possibility that the G5 may be a place that hire wants as a final landing spot. We had it with Robe . . . there is a chance we could have it again with CMD . . . Only time will tell . . .

  7. #7

    Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    Quote Originally Posted by moorecajun View Post
    I can handle 30 years of a winning tradition.
    We ain't there yet. But perhaps we just landed what Florida originally had with Spurrier, an alum who can take us to the top.

    We'll see. Baby steps.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    That was a good read. A lot, but a good read. I read it as I ate this ENORMOUS bowl of chili. And now Im thinking, if I wouldve just waited for all this chili to take effect, I wouldve had nothing BUT time to sit and read. Missed opportunities.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside


    Was it SPICY chili? You should now eat ice cream.

    That way, when it is time for that lengthy sit, you can scream out, "COME ON, ICE CREAM!!!"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    I enjoy your takes Fun.

    My biggest worry is with us being able to find quality assistant coaches to come on board. It sure seems like assistant coaches who have the talent and ambition to coach at higher levels will seek out head coaches that also have the talent and ambition to coach at higher levels. They do it in the hopes of “hitching a ride” up the ladder with the head coach.

    Im not inside Des’s head, but nothing I’ve seen makes me think he’ll be looking to join that rat race.

    I don’t know what Des is getting paid, but I’m sure it is peanuts compared to what Napier was making. I hope Maggard takes that extra money and uses it to raise the pay of the assistant coaches.

  11. Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    . .I hope Maggard takes that extra money and uses it to raise the pay of the assistant coaches.
    Why do people keep saying this . . what extra money . . Don’t we think if we pay the same to assistants that replace those going to Florida we will quite competitive . . was t that promised by Dr. Maggard ..

  12. Default Re: Coach Dez: 2 Criticisms, 3 Scenarios, & 1 Upside

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Why do people keep saying this . . what extra money . . Don’t we think if we pay the same to assistants that replace those going to Florida we will quite competitive . . was t that promised by Dr. Maggard ..
    We were one of the top paying G5 programs for assistants. Fully expect to continue that.

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