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Thread: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

  1. #1

    Default A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    The POA put out almost zero effort at halftime to entertain the 41,000 in attendance. They simply walked out, played three uninspiring songs in three different formations and walked off.

    It's pretty sad when the baton twirler is more entertaining than the entire band.

  2. #2

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Agreed. Repeated the same formations that they used pre game. Played nothing that excited anyone.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Are people really that geeked to watch a marching band?????

  4. #4

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Band was great. It was loud and proud from the upper deck!! Quit being such a downer on a day history was made.

  5. Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Quote Originally Posted by irokcj5 View Post
    Band was great. It was loud and proud from the upper deck!! Quit being such a downer on a day history was made.
    I’m with this guy . . .

  6. #6

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Thank you to the POA for showing up to this sunbelt event that wasn’t on your schedule this semester.

  7. #7

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Are we complaining about the band? We just won the conference title! Didn’t see halftime but the band played loud and proud all game! If you’re coming here with that crap, go play in the sandbox with the little kids. The adults have something to celebrate tonight!

  8. #8

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    To complain about this on a great day like today…unbelievable. The band more than did their part tonight. If you don’t like what they’re doing, go get nachos at halftime and quit whining about those kids that busted ass all week - and all year starting in July for the ONLY time they get mentioned here being when people complain about them - to practice those sets and songs that just weren’t up to your standard.

  9. #9

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Band was great after the game during the post game championship celebration. I often am quick to criticize our band but not today.

    It was a great day all around!

    Geaux Cajuns!

  10. #10

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    They sound much better live than on TV, if you are close to them. I think they should go in the corner again so people on the east side can hear them.

  11. Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Don’t complain, you may be sitting next to the band next year.

  12. #12

    Default Re: A Marching Band That Did Not March!

    Quote Originally Posted by BrockMeaux View Post
    To complain about this on a great day like today…unbelievable. The band more than did their part tonight. If you don’t like what they’re doing, go get nachos at halftime and quit whining about those kids that busted ass all week - and all year starting in July for the ONLY time they get mentioned here being when people complain about them - to practice those sets and songs that just weren’t up to your standard.
    Brock knows bands literally.

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