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Thread: So who is Josh Cole?

  1. #46

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    Your whole 5th paragraph is "know your place" in a nutshell.

    Has it ever occurred to you that one of the reason so many die hard UL fans hate LSU is that we are constantly lectured to about what they should think about LSU? It's always the UL fan that has to modify his opinion.nobody ever asks LSU fans why it might be they are so hated. And when you investigate the situation WE ARE IN THE RIGHT. LSU is the personification, in almost every way, of what is and has always been wrong with Louisiana.
    If that's what you got out of it, then that's all you are looking to get out of any dialogue concerning growing your own fan base. This isn't about knowing your place. This is about you & guys like YOU not knowing how BIG your place could be. But you keep killing those opportunities to grow by the way you talk about the very people who live on your street & in your neighborhood, the people you work with, or where you do business. It's not the average LSU fan's fault, or the average football fan's fault that LSU is an arrogant corrupt institution that steals & deals off the bottom of the deck & cheats at every turn. It's their administration's fault.

    The average LSU fan couldn't tell you anything about the campus other than the athletic areas if that. Blaming those people & mistreating them rather than welcoming them is not conducive to the growth of the UL brand. If you take this as a know your place post then it's because you are just looking to hate & stir up grief for no reason. I look forward to the day UL has people packed like cord wood in the stands. It could be this week. But don't screw up these opportunities by letting that bunch over there even get any oxygen.

    I can tell you thousands of the people that will be at that game will have split allegiances, or be LSU fan going to a UL game for the first time. Welcome them & let them see you are above the moronic ____ stirrers in their fan base that always try to compare _____ size. If you take anything, but decent advice from this post, you are not wanting what's best for your own brand.

  2. #47

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    If that's what you got out of it, then that's all you are looking to get out of any dialogue concerning growing your own fan base. This isn't about knowing your place. This is about you & guys like YOU not knowing how BIG your place could be. But you keep killing those opportunities to grow by the way you talk about the very people who live on your street & in your neighborhood, the people you work with, or where you do business. It's not the average LSU fan's fault, or the average football fan's fault that LSU is an arrogant corrupt institution that steals & deals off the bottom of the deck & cheats at every turn. It's their administration's fault.

    The average LSU fan couldn't tell you anything about the campus other than the athletic areas if that. Blaming those people & mistreating them rather than welcoming them is not conducive to the growth of the UL brand. If you take this as a know your place post then it's because you are just looking to hate & stir up grief for no reason. I look forward to the day UL has people packed like cord wood in the stands. It could be this week. But don't screw up these opportunities by letting that bunch over there even get any oxygen.

    I can tell you thousands of the people that will be at that game will have split allegiances, or be LSU fan going to a UL game for the first time. Welcome them & let them see you are above the moronic ____ stirrers in their fan base that always try to compare _____ size. If you take anything, but decent advice from this post, you are not wanting what's best for your own brand.
    The average LSU fan has a tik-tok level of comprehension. Having to put on the kid gloves for those knuckle draggers is like ignoring a wife beater because "he's a good provider." ____ that.and ____ LSU.

  3. #48

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    If that's what you got out of it, then that's all you are looking to get out of any dialogue concerning growing your own fan base. This isn't about knowing your place. This is about you & guys like YOU not knowing how BIG your place could be. But you keep killing those opportunities to grow by the way you talk about the very people who live on your street & in your neighborhood, the people you work with, or where you do business. It's not the average LSU fan's fault, or the average football fan's fault that LSU is an arrogant corrupt institution that steals & deals off the bottom of the deck & cheats at every turn. It's their administration's fault.

    The average LSU fan couldn't tell you anything about the campus other than the athletic areas if that. Blaming those people & mistreating them rather than welcoming them is not conducive to the growth of the UL brand. If you take this as a know your place post then it's because you are just looking to hate & stir up grief for no reason. I look forward to the day UL has people packed like cord wood in the stands. It could be this week. But don't screw up these opportunities by letting that bunch over there even get any oxygen.

    I can tell you thousands of the people that will be at that game will have split allegiances, or be LSU fan going to a UL game for the first time. Welcome them & let them see you are above the moronic ____ stirrers in their fan base that always try to compare _____ size. If you take anything, but decent advice from this post, you are not wanting what's best for your own brand.
    So, when I'm told constantly that I should pull for both teams because LSU is Louisiana's team, and I say thanks but no thanks I'll go on hating them.that's my bad? I've NEVER asked why someone pulls for anybody else and UL (LSU, or whoever) but I've been asked countless times by LSU fans why I don't pull for both. When I say "because I didn't go there" (and leave out the decades of LSU ____ting on UL) I get eye rolls and looks of shock that I don't bow before the LSU alter.

    As plainly as possible, LSU is a blight on Louisiana and college sports.

    I'm all for crossover fans, but I'm not sugarcoating LSU for them.

  4. #49

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    The average LSU fan has a tik-tok level of comprehension. Having to put on the kid gloves for those knuckle draggers is like ignoring a wife beater because "he's a good provider." ____ that.and ____ LSU.
    That's exactly what I'm talking about right there. Why be that guy? Are you telling me you can't enjoy & be just as proud of this team's accomplishments without having openly hate & despise the poor ______es who have no comprehension of the fight? I don't know. Maybe you guys do have a point. Actually, I know you have a damn good point. But the point I make is to tell you the only way you are going to grow your fan base to the numbers you want is to welcome the people who want to jump that sinking ship.

    And no matter whether you hate my strategy, or agree, the timing is now. This is the time for UL to go William Wallace.

  5. Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    The average LSU fan has a tik-tok level of comprehension. Having to put on the kid gloves for those knuckle draggers is like ignoring a wife beater because "he's a good provider." ____ that.and ____ LSU.

  6. #51

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    So, when I'm told constantly that I should pull for both teams because LSU is Louisiana's team, and I say thanks but no thanks I'll go on hating them.that's my bad? I've NEVER asked why someone pulls for anybody else and UL (LSU, or whoever) but I've been asked countless times by LSU fans why I don't pull for both. When I say "because I didn't go there" (and leave out the decades of LSU ____ting on UL) I get eye rolls and looks of shock that I don't bow before the LSU alter.

    As plainly as possible, LSU is a blight on Louisiana and college sports.

    I'm all for crossover fans, but I'm not sugarcoating LSU for them.
    I'm not saying that. I'm saying don't give LSU the time of day. Swing the conversation toward your guy & his accomplishments. Talk about what you are proud of. It won't take long once this nest ride starts with old fart coaching them until they cast their eyes on another wanting more bang for the buck. Whether you like it, or not. Whether you want to admit it, or not, you need to convert a number of those people to get where you want.

  7. #52

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    That's exactly what I'm talking about right there. Why be that guy? Are you telling me you can't enjoy & be just as proud of this team's accomplishments without having openly hate & despise the poor ______es who have no comprehension of the fight? I don't know. Maybe you guys do have a point. Actually, I know you have a damn good point. But the point I make is to tell you the only way you are going to grow your fan base to the numbers you want is to welcome the people who want to jump that sinking ship.

    And no matter whether you hate my strategy, or agree, the timing is now. This is the time for UL to go William Wallace.
    Why not be that guy? William Wallace was that guy. Mel Gibson was also that guy, and somehow is still in Hollywood. If growing our fan base means diluting the gene pool, no thanks. I'll wait for LSU to get #Metoo'ed into oblivion.

  8. #53

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    I'm not saying that. I'm saying don't give LSU the time of day. Swing the conversation toward your guy & his accomplishments. Talk about what you are proud of. It won't take long once this nest ride starts with old fart coaching them until they cast their eyes on another wanting more bang for the buck. Whether you like it, or not. Whether you want to admit it, or not, you need to convert a number of those people to get where you want.
    You do understand this FAN FORUM is not the real world, right? People on this UL FAN FORUM are going to skew toward hating LSU, and doing it in a loud way. That doesn't mean they treat any possible crossover fan the same way in real life situations. Are you suggesting some large number of possible crossover fans come on this board, find out that some UL fans don't like LSU (shocker, I know) and then give up?

    Don't lecture me, I'm over here in Texas trying to convert UT and A&M fanstalk about fighting a losing battle.

  9. #54

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    You do understand this FAN FORUM is not the real world, right? People on this UL FAN FORUM are going to skew toward hating LSU, and doing it in a loud way. That doesn't mean they treat any possible crossover fan the same way in real life situations. Are you suggesting some large number of possible crossover fans come on this board, find out that some UL fans don't like LSU (shocker, I know) and then give up?

    Don't lecture me, I'm over here in Texas trying to convert UT and A&M fanstalk about fighting a losing battle.
    Those people look down their noses at anything & everything Louisiana. but they sure don't mind using our stuff & our labor to make their money.

  10. #55

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    The difference is you don't have to read my _____ piece.
    Dont worryI didnt! LoL! All BS aside Kyle, you and I had our beef, hell.20 or so years ago? We took our shots over the radio at each other for quite some time. And at some point, you reached out and came meet me at work where we sat down and chatted for a while. For everyone here that has never met you, Kyle is really a good dude. Regardless how he may come off on here. Id sit down for a cold beverage with him anytime, and I promise, any of you here would too. I still like to bust his balls on here tho. LoL! Its all in good fun.

  11. #56

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    Why not be that guy? William Wallace was that guy. Mel Gibson was also that guy, and somehow is still in Hollywood. If growing our fan base means diluting the gene pool, no thanks. I'll wait for LSU to get #Metoo'ed into oblivion.
    But Wallace's fight was with the nobles. It was the nobles who caused Scotland to be subservient to England all those years. It was the commoners that he converted that allowed him to reap havoc. Most of the people in this war are just that, commoners. Those are the guys & gals UL needs to one day pull an OSU.

  12. #57

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Those people look down their noses at anything & everything Louisiana. but they sure don't mind using our stuff & our labor to make their money.
    Some, sure. But most have been overwhelmingly friendly and open to my family. Most have a negative view of Louisiana because of how ____ty it is run, and on that they are 100% correct.

  13. #58

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Dont worryI didnt! LoL! All BS aside Kyle, you and I had our beef, hell.20 or so years ago? We took our shots over the radio at each other for quite some time. And at some point, you reached out and came meet me at work where we sat down and chatted for a while. For everyone here that has never met you, Kyle is really a good dude. Regardless how he may come off on here. Id sit down for a cold beverage with him anytime, and I promise, any of you here would too. I still like to bust his balls on here tho. LoL! Its all in good fun.
    You see, that's not fair. I'm not sure who you are. You could one of a couple of dozen people, or more that hate me on the air, but we get along in private. SO let me guess, you're jeweler? And my mind ain't what it used to be either. So there's that.

  14. #59

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    Some, sure. But most have been overwhelmingly friendly and open to my family. Most have a negative view of Louisiana because of how ____ty it is run, and on that they are 100% correct.
    Oh they're friendly, but you can bet the minute you walk ten feet away, they're thinking bless his heart. He's from Louisiana.

  15. #60

    Default Re: So who is Josh Cole?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Oh they're friendly, but you can bet the minute you walk ten feet away, they're thinking bless his heart. He's from Louisiana.
    I'm not shocked that has been your experience.

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