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Thread: Schrödinger's Coach

  1. #13

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    It was the era when usl did everything to help Kathleen's political carrer
    Kathleen was pretty evil, she restored all of the universities to full funding. Then Saint Bobby created a shortfall so that, as he reportedly said, "...only upper-middle class kids will be able to afford to go to college."

    When I was at UL it was something like $300-400 a semester. Now our enrollment is not growing, despite our many successes, because families can't afford us.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    Kathleen was pretty evil, she restored all of the universities to full funding. Then Saint Bobby created a shortfall so that, as he reportedly said, "...only upper-middle class kids will be able to afford to go to college."

    When I was at UL it was something like $300-400 a semester. Now our enrollment is not growing, despite our many successes, because families can't afford us.
    It was her husband.. I liked her personally.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    It was her husband.. I liked her personally.
    Kathleen had two shortcomings: she was a Democrat; and she was one of the weaker public speakers I have seen.

    And I really liked her. She spoke at the banquet for our NPO when she was Lt Gov. I was surprised, I expected that any politician at that level would speak easily, off the cuff.

    And so when Katrina hit, and she spoke on national TV, she didn't come off well. Which is a shame, because she worked her backside off for this state.

    And BTW, she dropped out of the race for a second term when she was leading in the polls. She did it for Raymond, all the attacks on her were going to kill him from stress.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    Kathleen had two shortcomings: she was a Democrat; and she was one of the weaker public speakers I have seen.

    And I really liked her. She spoke at the banquet for our NPO when she was Lt Gov. I was surprised, I expected that any politician at that level would speak easily, off the cuff.

    And so when Katrina hit, and she spoke on national TV, she didn't come off well. Which is a shame, because she worked her backside off for this state.

    And BTW, she dropped out of the race for a second term when she was leading in the polls. She did it for Raymond, all the attacks on her were going to kill him from stress.
    No argument there

  5. #17

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    Great guy... funny as hell
    He was funny. One of my favorites, I've posted it here before:

    He was at the Legislature, out in the corridor smoking a cigarette (tells you how long ago it was). There was a little bouquet of State administrators nearby, one of them said for his benefit, "Yeah, ol' USL over there is really gunning for us."

    He smiled at them and said, "Y'know, I meet every week with my deans. We talk about the schools we want to emulate: Georgia Tech, Michigan, UVA.

    "I don't think anyone's ever mentioned LSU."

  6. #18

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Really fond memories of Dr Oliver. What a gentleman.

  7. Default Re: Schödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by covcaj View Post
    I was not in on the decision, but, as I recall, Authement was de facto president for at least a year before he was officially appointed. I'm trying to remember if Dr. Oliver was even yet a dean.
    …..Can’t remember the politician who fought with Dr A for the job??? Coach Blanco was pulling out all the stops…..big party that night!

  8. #20

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    He was funny. One of my favorites, I've posted it here before:

    He was at the Legislature, out in the corridor smoking a cigarette (tells you how long ago it was). There was a little bouquet of State administrators nearby, one of them said for his benefit, "Yeah, ol' USL over there is really gunning for us."

    He smiled at them and said, "Y'know, I meet every week with my deans. We talk about the schools we want to emulate: Georgia Tech, Michigan, UVA.

    "I don't think anyone's ever mentioned LSU."
    Still true today!

  9. #21

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    Great guy... funny as hell
    Due to various roles I was involved in around campus I was always over at Martin Hall for one reason or another. Dean Blanco and I would go rounds over various things through the years. It was always an adventure going into his office. I also got to meet and know Marotta soon after he arrived. Great guy and certainly knew how to entertain and mix things up. I went to lunch with him one day and he insisted on sitting in the back corner with his back to the wall. Said it was his Italian heritage and he wanted to be where he could keep an eye on everything. LOL

  10. #22

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    Due to various roles I was involved in around campus I was always over at Martin Hall for one reason or another. Dean Blanco and I would go rounds over various things through the years. It was always an adventure going into his office. I also got to meet and know Marotta soon after he arrived. Great guy and certainly knew how to entertain and mix things up. I went to lunch with him one day and he insisted on sitting in the back corner with his back to the wall. Said it was his Italian heritage and he wanted to be where he could keep an eye on everything. LOL
    He wasn't entirely joking. Over the years, I learned a bit about his background, and some of his relatives.

    He got his PhD at Columbia, but he came out of a working class family...

  11. #23

    Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    Never sit with your back to the door. Just sayin.

  12. Default Re: Schrödinger's Coach

    .....I was about a year removed from UL at Loyola Law School I think....went to see a game and party at Coach Faulk's house after the game......VERY high scoring......Coach Blanco asks where Coach Don Smith (oc) is and Coach Shipley says "at the hospital with a hernia problem"......Blanco Loudly asks How did he get that? Coach Shipley blurts out....From trying to hold up that Blanco defense.....lBlanco gets Kathleen and stomps out of the party....Man I loved all the coaches from the past and was allowed to be a part at a young age.....some very very close, sad, and competitive moments to great episodes of family fun and wild times......loved being on Augi's staff but not AS MANY crazy times!

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