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Thread: Contract buyout question

  1. #25

    Default Re: Contract buyout question

    A lot of larger schools either play the home & home or send a check to basically buy out the game. Usually, the smaller school will leverage the funds to purchase another home game.

  2. Default Re: Contract buyout question

    Quote Originally Posted by covcaj View Post
    Curious. How can a contract between two parties incur an obligation to a third party not a part of the contract?
    It places Napier in breach of his contract with us if he does not require his future employer to honor the provision as part of his acceptance of his contract there.

  3. #27

    Default Re: Contract buyout question

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    It places Napier in breach of his co tract with us if he does not require his future employer to honor the provision.
    So, basically, if this were in place, Napier would obligated to put in his contract with Florida that it would have a home and home, or he would breach his contract with Louisiana... is that correct? In this type of situation, is there a penalty in the coaches contract with his current school if he doesn't require it in his contract with his new school?

  4. Default Re: Contract buyout question

    The new school can say nix on the hire. It’s part of the new coaches agreement with his future employer.

  5. Default Re: Contract buyout question

    Quote Originally Posted by covcaj View Post
    So, basically, if this were in place, Napier would obligated to put in his contract with Florida that it would have a home and home, or he would breach his contract with Louisiana... is that correct? In this type of situation, is there a penalty in the coaches contract with his current school if he doesn't require it in his contract with his new school?
    Either way, if there is a penalty, he would be liable for the penalty, if there is no penalty he would be liable for contractual damages, which could be a huge number. I would think if he has that, either his new employer agrees or he negotiates a buyout of that provision with us as part of the negotiating process.

  6. #30

    Default Re: Contract buyout question

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Either way, if there is a penalty, he would be liable for the penalty, if there is no penalty he would be liable for contractual damages, which could be a huge number. I would think if he has that, either his new employer agrees or he negotiates a buyout of that provision with us as part of the negotiating process.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Contract buyout question

    There is no way that happens

  8. #32

    Default Re: Contract buyout question

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    1) If you use all of the $3 million next year for football you hurt the next 10 years because you can't sustain $3m per year.

    2) If sit on the funds and do nothing you hurt football forever.

    3) If you loan basketball a small portion to fix operations. The athletic dept as a whole will reap the entire money back, and many times over.

    In the end, the football budget will grow because basketball isn't dragging it down like it is now.
    As a season ticket holder to both sports (and baseball) I agree with this to a certain extent. However, I don't think it should be the football programs responsibility to fix the basketball program! But if that is what it takes to get the basketball program even just back to average, I would support it.

  9. Default Re: Contract buyout question

    A couple of million helps with the stadium overhaul.

  10. Default Re: Contract buyout question

    Robbing Peter to pay Paul has always been a no, no, however his name is Bob . . .

  11. Default Re: Contract buyout question

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Robbing Peter to pay Paul has always been a no, no, however his name is Bob . . .
    So football doesn't drive the bus, it just has a few sports thrown under it.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Contract buyout question

    The little thang that "reads" sports news between segments on The Lame this am mentioned the buyout was 30M. That was on the RPEE3 show...

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