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Thread: Coach Napier's EXit

  1. #313

    Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    Only Auburn
    I agree.

  2. #314

    Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    I agree.
    True. Forgot about Auburn.

  3. Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by covcaj View Post
    True. Forgot about Auburn.
    I think Auburn was a one shot wonder and feel as though BN may have also.

  4. #316

    Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    He's been mentioned for every SEC job that has come up since year two. Yet he's still here.
    Outside of Auburn, which one of the others do you think meets the same criteria of an LSU, Alabama, Georgia or Florida? Auburn was a hot mess, big money controlling the AD to the extent that they were telling Coaches that interviewed they would have final say on the assistants hired.

    I'm not sure he would interview if asked, but Florida checks the boxes of all the criteria he is looking for in his next move. Now I have no idea of the inner workings of the Florida program.

    There is also an old saying when it comes to college coaches, you can only say no to so many jobs before they stop calling you.

    I hope he stays until the stadium renovations are completed and he wins an outright conference championship. But I'm not naive enough to believe he won't interview for a position if the right job becomes available just to remain the Coach of the Ragin Cajuns.

  5. #317

    Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Outside of Auburn, which one of the others do you think meets the same criteria of an LSU, Alabama, Georgia or Florida? Auburn was a hot mess, big money controlling the AD to the extent that they were telling Coaches that interviewed they would have final say on the assistants hired.

    I'm not sure he would interview if asked, but Florida checks the boxes of all the criteria he is looking for in his next move. Now I have no idea of the inner workings of the Florida program.

    There is also an old saying when it comes to college coaches, you can only say no to so many jobs before they stop calling you.

    I hope he stays until the stadium renovations are completed and he wins an outright conference championship. But I'm not naive enough to believe he won't interview for a position if the right job becomes available just to remain the Coach of the Ragin Cajuns.
    Yeah, the inner workings are things none of us really knows.

    I've always believed in order to land our coach:

    The program has a history of winning.
    You can win at a high level.
    And, the coach gets to do it HIS way.

    That third one is the key, in my opinion.

  6. #318

    Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    Yeah, the inner workings are things none of us really knows.

    I've always believed in order to land our coach:

    The program has a history of winning.
    You can win at a high level.
    And, the coach gets to do it HIS way.

    That third one is the key, in my opinion.
    Let me add several things to your list, and this comes from a top assistant that is no longer with the program.

    1)The program has a history of winning.
    2)You can win at a high level and have a legitimate chance at playing for a national championship.
    3) Close to home and family, and the coach gets to t
    do it His way.

    The third one is key along with eventually being close to family because that is what the man believes in.

  7. #319

    Default Re: Meanwhile at Tigger Pooping

    Quote Originally Posted by tdncz View Post
    There are 4 “ifs” there.
    Saturday vs Nicholls 26k
    Saturday @11:00am vs Texas State 28k.

    35,000 is the perfect size from growth. They could reduce it slightly below that as well by chair backing the entire stadium with larger seats. Creating a more comfortable fan environment. But no way we should ever seat anything less than 32k.

  8. #320

    Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    He's been mentioned for every SEC job that has come up since year two. Yet he's still here.
    UNC and FSU.

  9. #321

    Default Re: Napier 2022

    Win the conference championship this year and Napier may be gone, but I can see him wanting to stay with us and continue what he started including seeing the stadium renovation through. Another chance to compete for another conference championship next year and possibly go undefeated as lone P5 game is FSU. We have a shot at beating FSU and going undefeated to a NY6 bowl with a better QB. A NY6 bowl is usually the height of some of these coaches that move on. Get the man another raise after this year!

    I still do not see him going to LSU.

  10. #322

    Default Re: Napier 2022

    I keep hearing about him getting close to home, he was born an hour and a half from Atlanta...he is less than 2.5 hours from home living in Lafayette. UNC and FSU are both 6 hour drives to his hometown...or you also fly into Atlanta which is no different than living here. There are only 2 places that would really be “closer to home” Alabama and UGA

  11. #323

    Default Re: Napier staying or going.

    Quote Originally Posted by covcaj View Post
    Honest question. How many of those openings had a legitimate shot at a national championship?
    Two. Tennessee and Auburn.

  12. Default Re: Napier 2022

    There is only one person who really knows and he is the head football coach at Louisiana right now . . .

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