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Thread: The Basketball Conversation 2021

  1. Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish View Post
    They should implode Blackham. It is sentimental to many of you, but in reality it is a   and probably should have been condemned already.
    This is not meant to be a jab, but are you a structural engineer? I know some post here, would love their feedback on this idea.

  2. #14

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    I feel like this has been discussed before. Blackham will never be renovated. It would be cheaper to build something brand new.

  3. #15

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    This is not meant to be a jab, but are you a structural engineer? I know some post here, would love their feedback on this idea.
    No I am not. It is only my opinion from walking around under the stands when they had the last "special" game there. The architecture is also very dated and does not complement the look of other athletic facilities. The location is detached from Cajun field, baseball, Softball and the rest of the athletic facilities. Again I realize that some on here lived out some memories there, but to most of us passing on Johnston Street, it is just a sad looking eyesore from long gone days. As stated in the podcast, the Cajun Dome is a good recruiting tool. But all of this is my opinion. BTW, I was a season ticket holder for many years, and the dome rocked when Jesse was there. (Yes I'm aware of all of the issues back then)

  4. #16

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish View Post
    No I am not. It is only my opinion from walking around under the stands when they had the last "special" game there. The architecture is also very dated and does not complement the look of other athletic facilities. The location is detached from Cajun field, baseball, Softball and the rest of the athletic facilities. Again I realize that some on here lived out some memories there, but to most of us passing on Johnston Street, it is just a sad looking eyesore from long gone days. As stated in the podcast, the Cajun Dome is a good recruiting tool. But all of this is my opinion. BTW, I was a season ticket holder for many years, and the dome rocked when Jesse was there. (Yes I'm aware of all of the issues back then)
    I wasn’t around during the Blackham days, but I did go to the game when Jesse was coach and the atmosphere was awesome. I would love to see an arena about the size of Cameron like Duke has in a renovated Blackham. I really believe it would change the vibe for Cajun basketball and drive demand, because the atmosphere would be a lot better than playing in the cavernous Cajundome.

  5. #17

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    I feel like this has been discussed before. Blackham will never be renovated. It would be cheaper to build something brand new.
    Oh it has been.....and you are right it would be cheaper to build new. The building is seventy one years old.

  6. Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    I don't think 71 years is an issue, the seating configuration needs to be spread down which would probably cost a seating row.

    (I think) Blackham is more structurally sound than the Cajundome, and a way better venue than EKL that Maggard mentioned renovating.

  7. #19

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I don't think 71 years is an issue, the seating configuration needs to be spread down which would probably cost a seating row.

    (I think) Blackham is more structurally sound than the Cajundome, and a way better venue than EKL that Maggard mentioned renovating.
    Since I was asked, are you a structural engineer? I would be willing to bet that Blackham is not more structuraly sound than the Cajun Dome. Just saying...

  8. Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish View Post
    Since I was asked, are you a structural engineer? I would be willing to bet that Blackham is not more structuraly sound than the Cajun Dome. Just saying...
    "I think" I don't know for sure. No I am not.

    Just an eye test a few years ago.

    A lot less structure to support at Blackham.

    The Cajundome was built with hoisted panels, Blackham was built with pours and lays from the ground up.

  9. #21

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Tripple Threat View Post
    I wasn’t around during the Blackham days, but I did go to the game when Jesse was coach and the atmosphere was awesome. I would love to see an arena about the size of Cameron like Duke has in a renovated Blackham. I really believe it would change the vibe for Cajun basketball and drive demand, because the atmosphere would be a lot better than playing in the cavernous Cajundome.
    I don't think Jesse ever coached a game at Blackham, I know he ran a lot of practices there though before the current facility was built. The games in 2005 when the Cajundome was still being used as a Katrina shelter were under Lee. Those did have a great atmosphere. I went to one of the games in 2016 and it was fun for nostalgia reasons but without some major renovations I think that would get old quick. I think doing a 3 game or so residency for non conference games in Blackham each year would be fun. Promote the crap out of it and make it cheap. All general admission $10 seats, $5 if you have a ticket stub from the previous football game. Maybe bring in a video board on one end that can show replays and be used to show how many points and fouls players have. But yeah I agree before you do a major renovation It would probably be better to start from scratch.

    It would be an interesting question to ask the players what they prefer. I know the NBA Arena feel of the Cajundome and the renovated locker room are tools used in recruiting. Would they prefer those type of amenities in a cavernous atmosphere or the old school feel where a crowd of 3-5 K would provide some raucous energy they could feed off of in games.

  10. #22

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    I'm no expert, but I can't see how remodeling would cost more if the structure is sound.
    Gut the inside and there would be plenty of space for 5k seats, suites, widened, modern concourse and restrooms.
    The outside would just need some new panelling and paint with improved parking areas.

  11. #23

    Default Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    I'm no expert, but pI can't see how remodeling would cost more if the structure is sound.
    Gut the inside and there would be plenty of space for 5k seats, suites, widened, modern concourse and restrooms.
    The outside would just need some new panelling and paint with improved parking areas.
    Pretty sure nothing is up to code so I’m not sure you could get away with just gutting it. It’s fun to think about but it will never happen.

  12. UL Basketball Re: The Basketball Conversation 2021

    Back when I had a press pass ... 2005

    Modern LED lighting could do wonders

    And yes the place was perfect for basketball

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