You may be unaware of SDSU’s stadium situation, but they get an automatic pass on any low attendance numbers this year. They’re playing their “home” games in LA, 2+ hours away from campus. They also did that last season. Every one of their home games is basically neutral site. They are building a new stadium where Qualcomm/SDCCU stadium used to be and they should be back in SD by Fall 2022.
No, and I understand what you were talking about. But building an entire new grand stand with reduced seating is about optics, capacity, etc. is it not? My comments are in general to the sentiment that the fan base is not showing up and supporting the team. To that, I would suggest to others our core fan base is the 16K that showed up last night, and your alumni in Texas, North Shore and New Orleans weren't driving in on a Thrusday night game on a short week after a homecoming game.
If you honestly think App would compare to what UL would bring to game day atmosphere if we shared a similar history of success I can help you. We would mirror ECU at their best if we had 30+ years of winning tradition.
Instead we have had more success since 2010 than we have had in our entire history. We haven’t fully committed to football before 2012. Give the Cajuns 15 years of 9-12 win seasons with Top 25 rankings every 3rd year or so. We would have sell outs every Saturday game.
Absolutely correct! And many of those outliers are season ticket holders. I maintained my season tickets for several years while living in San Antonio. Finally gave them up a few years ago. But even then I’d only make 1 game a year on average.
Totally agree on the optics too. No more mostly empty upper deck.
Really looking forward to attending a couple games next year and DEFINITELY when the new press box side is complete. That will bring a whole new dynamic to CF!
2 weakest crowds have come 5 days after the largest Saturday crowds. Tough to promote the Thursday game with limited time to do so. Makes it real tough for out of towners as well. We had some out of towners for App as it was easier to plan that trip as it had good spacing between games. Dr. Maggard was on with Scott Prather yesterday morning. I think he knew how much of a challenge last night would be as he spent as much time trying to promote the possible home conference championship game (Saturday December 4) as he did the Georgia State game. Hopefully having more teams in the league will help reduce the number of times one team is faced with having a multitude of these. Ideally, one mid week on the road and one at home would become the normal schedule.
I think we need 30k seating with ability to flex more into GA on hill or to make standing bar top seats at the top of both end zones. Im either way on the hill, leave it alone or terrace it with picnic style seating. Also, not sure how much flex attendance these would allow but if we could seat 30k with a flex capacity of another 5-10k that’s all we would need.
Gotta create smaller seating to drive demand. Oh, and gotta keep winning. Not sure what Apps capacity is but no need to have any more than that. If we can emulate them we are on the right track.
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