As much as levi took heat last night. O-line deserves equal blame, 69 of 143 (48%) rushing yards came on last td drive and the kneel down drive.
While the game was frustrating to watch, as have been a number of games this year, this team showed resilience, poise and determination in facing a 10 point deficit. What you didn't see is finger pointing at each other and getting in each other's faces. They rallied behind their team leaders and coaching staff, and believed they could get the job done.
Yes Levi did not play well, nor did the offensive line and defensive line either. But as you stated, when this team need him to step up and play within himself, he made plays.
This team showed us something last night. They showed why Levy and a few others are the leaders in the locker room that we've heard so much about. In the face of adversity, this team held together. Some of that comes from the personality of Billy Napier.
To have a special kind of season, a team will have to face adversity and win games like last night. This is the third game they have done it now this season. The game was not what we expected, some of it was because of our own mistakes and lack of execution, and some of it was because of the Georgia State coaching staff. In the end, we are West Division Champions !
19-34 287 yards 1TD 1int
That’s a bad performance for Levi. But without his arm last night we don’t win. Our o line looked as bad as they have all year. If you don’t think the passing game got us through that game than there’s no helping you until Levi’s gone.
It’s the black uniforms. Two games in 2021 with an average margin of victory of 3 points! Just burn them already!
Jokes aside this team has the will to win!
I may have missed it, but I have yet to see anyone comment or compliment LL on his drive saving scramble where he stiff armed a defender into the turf.
Some on here will only appreciate this kid once he is gone. That's unfortunate.
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