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Thread: So it starts.....

  1. #61

    Default Doom and Gloom

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  2. #62

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    I'm hoping the final product looks better than the rendering, which isn't bad, but not great.

  3. #63

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    ...But I am most anxious to hear your (and others) thoughts on building enough 'regular' seats in the addition to accommodate the current folks in UD1 & 2. Doesn't that sound feasible?
    This is the issue. The new construction will be a fully enclosed building. Unless the UD people want to pay for suites, I can't see an exemption being made just for the UD people that alters the entire design of the new construction. Did you not see they are reseating the entire Stadium along RCAF level?

    We are ALL taking one for the team here.

  4. Default Re: So it starts.....

    My only hope for the new stadium is that it looks like every game is sold out when driving down Congress

  5. #65

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    My only hope for the new stadium is that it looks like every game is sold out when driving down Congress
    Yeah, that too but I'm also hoping it looks a little less lopsided from that view point.

  6. #66

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    This is the issue. The new construction will be a fully enclosed building. Unless the UD people want to pay for suites, I can't see an exemption being made just for the UD people that alters the entire design of the new construction. Did you not see they are reseating the entire Stadium along RCAF level?

    We are ALL taking one for the team here.
    Dude, chill. Yep, I saw the email. In fact I am the one who started this thread when I got it. I know the score. Was just discussing and asking questions. No reason to get so pizz!!y.

  7. Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Dude, chill. Yep, I saw the email. In fact I am the one who started this thread when I got it. I know the score. Was just discussing and asking questions. No reason to get so pizz!!y.
    There are plenty reasons to get pizz!!y. The stadium renovations have for all practical purposes not even started and you commenced a thread to _____ and moan already.

  8. #68

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Direct quotes from this thread alone about how happy that I’m about the construction. (Number of times I’ve biatched and moaned = ZERO):

    “But I guess the good news is that we are definitely moving forward with the renovation”

    “Well first and foremost I am definitely not complaining about the soon to start construction. In fact this is a dream come true.”

    “Myself, I am truly pleased beyond measure that this is actually happening. Was wondering if I'd ever see it in my life time.”

    “Either way can’t wait for this happen…GEAUX Cajuns!”

  9. #69

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    from the sketch on the ragin cajun site it appears that there is a lower area on the second level that could be similar to what is there now with seating which could be club or suite seating behind it

  10. #70

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    I think club seats will be more attainable than a lot of people think. I'm shooting for those seats when the time comes.

  11. #71

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    from the sketch on the ragin cajun site it appears that there is a lower area on the second level that could be similar to what is there now with seating which could be club or suite seating behind it
    Yeah, but read other posts: that is just rendering and no on really knows why the end product will be.
    As for affordability and club seats I’m thinking too that might work out. Gonna be a lot more than why I’m paying now, which is right at $600 for 2. I’d go 3 times that for the same or better seats and access to a suite.

  12. #72

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Well Jay hate to quibble with you because I agree that there are a few that are anticipating the worst, but to me the group we are most hearing from are those in UD1 & 2, and the vast majority of those folks, while certainly not pleased, if nothing else are resigned (and have been for some time now) that they/me will be losing what are some of the best seats in house. Can't blame us for hoping for a good outcome, and TBH I have not seen very much 'the sky is falling' rhetoric.

    But I am also glad to keep in mind that this is very much still a work-in progress.

    So here is the deal: there can't be more than 3-4K (at most) current season tix holders in in UD 1 & 2. I don't see how it would not be feasible to add just enough seating on the new deck to accommodate them in the new version...w/o any frills, access to suites, etc., but still charge a larger premium than we have today. I bet those would be some of the most sought-after seats in the stadium, as they would be taking care of an important niche: die-hard fans willing to pay a big premium for great seats, but unwilling/unable to pay huge, suite level prices.

    Just my thoughts.
    That’s the thing, the UD1 & UD2 folks have had those seats for 15-20 years.

    Also if they go to club seating, will they allow current seat holders the opportunity to possibly form an LLC and jointly pay for the club seats? If they have to be bought in group packages?

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