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Thread: So it starts.....

  1. #49

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    When you say “regular seats”, does that just mean single season ticket seats? Meaning, they’ll be sold as loge or suite sets?
    To me it sounds like seats with suites and club seats only

  2. #50

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    That is my understanding, no regular seats in the upper deck. Artist rendings very rarely look like the finished product.
    Understood. I guess the cost wouldn't justify it, unless they would end up charging way big bucks for them, which would then in turn mean that people (like myself) would be priced out. I guess that is what all the data showed when they did those surveys last year. Oh well. It was a nice pipe dream while it lasted lol.

  3. #51

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    Some will be disappointed, and others will be happy.

    My understanding is the following:
    • The new upper deck will be a press box, club-level seats, and suites, not necessarily in that order.
    • There will be some remodel to the seats on the west side.
    • Once the stadium is completed, the whole stadium will be reseated based on your RCAF ranking.

    Lots of the seats that are between the 35-yard lines, those people will move to the suits or the stadium club seating.
    And a complete overhaul of the existing concessions and bathrooms on the main course, I would assume. And what about the video screen? Is getting a larger one included in this as well?

  4. #52

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    And a complete overhaul of the existing concessions and bathrooms on the main course, I would assume. And what about the video screen? Is getting a larger one included in this as well?
    My personal opinion, video screen would be low priority considering how many other areas are in desperate need of improvements. The current screen isn't terrible.

  5. #53

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    My personal opinion, video screen would be low priority considering how many other areas are in desperate need of improvements. The current screen isn't terrible.
    I agree, but I think if they want to show more of the actual game, while also having a ton of ad's etc., then a bigger one is needed. Also, is cost the reason we see so few replays on it?

  6. #54

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Malkinson View Post
    The Hill is always an option kids love it.

  7. #55

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    As MelRock said, artist renderings are just that. It's a concept or an idea of what things might look like.

    The actual design is being developed right now.

    I knew when the letter went out, folks would start speculating and in many cases, anticipating disaster. We saw the same thing happen during baseball renovations.

    The reality is, there isn't a soul who knows what that upper deck is going to look like. So how about you wait before you decide the sky is falling.

  8. #56

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    As MelRock said, artist renderings are just that. It's a concept or an idea of what things might look like.

    The actual design is being developed right now.

    I knew when the letter went out, folks would start speculating and in many cases, anticipating disaster. We saw the same thing happen during baseball renovations.

    The reality is, there isn't a soul who knows what that upper deck is going to look like. So how about you wait before you decide the sky is falling.
    Well Jay hate to quibble with you because I agree that there are a few that are anticipating the worst, but to me the group we are most hearing from are those in UD1 & 2, and the vast majority of those folks, while certainly not pleased, if nothing else are resigned (and have been for some time now) that they/me will be losing what are some of the best seats in house. Can't blame us for hoping for a good outcome, and TBH I have not seen very much 'the sky is falling' rhetoric.

    But I am also glad to keep in mind that this is very much still a work-in progress.

    So here is the deal: there can't be more than 3-4K (at most) current season tix holders in in UD 1 & 2. I don't see how it would not be feasible to add just enough seating on the new deck to accommodate them in the new version...w/o any frills, access to suites, etc., but still charge a larger premium than we have today. I bet those would be some of the most sought-after seats in the stadium, as they would be taking care of an important niche: die-hard fans willing to pay a big premium for great seats, but unwilling/unable to pay huge, suite level prices.

    Just my thoughts.

  9. #57

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    There is plenty of room to accommodate those season ticket holders up top on the West lower and GA on the east side and South endzone
    Nah, what should be done prior to relocation is the people in the UD sections are approached with the pricing for similar seats in the new upper deck. If they cannot afford those seats, then whoever has a high enough RCAF rank in the UD sections should be booting out those in sections A-G who are lower ranked than them. At the same time, those with high RCAF ranks in the lower bowl should also be being approached about buying seats in the new upper deck to make room for those who will are being relocated from above. You'll have a true s*** show on your hands if you try and move those on the overhang, especially those in the UD sections, to the West side of the stadium or the endzone.

  10. #58

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Well Jay hate to quibble with you because I agree that there are a few that are anticipating the worst, but to me the group we are most hearing from are those in UD1 & 2, and the vast majority of those folks, while certainly not pleased, if nothing else are resigned (and have been for some time now) that they/me will be losing what are some of the best seats in house. Can't blame us for hoping for a good outcome, and TBH I have not seen very much 'the sky is falling' rhetoric.

    But I am also glad to keep in mind that this is very much still a work-in progress.

    So here is the deal: there can't be more than 3-4K (at most) current season tix holders in in UD 1 & 2. I don't see how it would not be feasible to add just enough seating on the new deck to accommodate them in the new version...w/o any frills, access to suites, etc., but still charge a larger premium than we have today. I bet those would be some of the most sought-after seats in the stadium, as they would be taking care of an important niche: die-hard fans willing to pay a big premium for great seats, but unwilling/unable to pay huge, suite level prices.

    Just my thoughts.
    The very next post after yours is what I'm talking about. "If they do this, then >>>>gets mad."

    Not knowing what anyone is going to do.

  11. Default Re: So it starts.....

    Why must everyone always presume the worst especially when we have crossed the threshold to have a stadium upgrade?

    We can't ever have anything nice here.

  12. #60

    Default Re: So it starts.....

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    The very next post after yours is what I'm talking about. "If they do this, then >>>>gets mad."

    Not knowing what anyone is going to do.
    Yeah, I definitely get it, but I think that has been a minority of posters. Most of what I've read is 'I sure hope they take care of me' posts, which seems understandable. But just like any other re-seating in every other case this was done, there will be folks not happy. That is about the only thing right now we can 100% count on. Myself, I am truly pleased beyond measure that this is actually happening. Was wondering if I'd ever see it in my life time.

    And another perfect example of this negativity is when I posted pics of the new red zone store and some just tore into the wooden steps, which I thought were pretty nice. I guess some don't understand that we don't have a ton of money just laying around to pay for this stuff, lol. I just never thought of myself as an optimist, but seems that I am.

    But I am most anxious to hear your (and others) thoughts on building enough 'regular' seats in the addition to accommodate the current folks in UD1 & 2. Doesn't that sound feasible?

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