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Thread: Game Sounds, Highs and Lows

  1. #49

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    I’ll preface it by saying I think PA has always been too loud, but…bringing up osha is miss using the purpose of the permissible exposure limit of 90db. For work places OSHA allows a worker to be exposed to 90db for an 8 hour time waited avg. for 40 hour week WITHOUT the use of hearing protection. At 100db for 2 hours, 105db for 1 hr. Those levels are when hearing protection is required by employers. It’s not meant to set volume levels for football games and concerts where you knowingly and voluntarily submit yourself. If it’s too loud for you at any given volume wear hearing protection.

  2. #50

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    Quote Originally Posted by irokcj5 View Post
    I’ll preface it by saying I think PA has always been too loud, but…bringing up osha is miss using the purpose of the permissible exposure limit of 90db. For work places OSHA allows a worker to be exposed to 90db for an 8 hour time waited avg. for 40 hour week WITHOUT the use of hearing protection. At 100db for 2 hours, 105db for 1 hr. Those levels are when hearing protection is required by employers. It’s not meant to set volume levels for football games and concerts where you knowingly and voluntarily submit yourself. If it’s too loud for you at any given volume wear hearing protection.
    Get your facts outta here, this is Ragin Pagin

  3. Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    Get your facts outta here, this is Ragin Pagin
    Where we are always learning. Stay.

  4. Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    Quote Originally Posted by irokcj5 View Post
    I’ll preface it by saying I think PA has always been too loud, but…bringing up osha is miss using the purpose of the permissible exposure limit of 90db. For work places OSHA allows a worker to be exposed to 90db for an 8 hour time waited avg. for 40 hour week WITHOUT the use of hearing protection. At 100db for 2 hours, 105db for 1 hr. Those levels are when hearing protection is required by employers. It’s not meant to set volume levels for football games and concerts where you knowingly and voluntarily submit yourself. If it’s too loud for you at any given volume wear hearing protection.
    As an undereducated individual, I appreciate this.

  5. #53

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    if it is to loud bring ear plugs that is what the dads do at our daughters all girl high school when they have an event. Believe me a few hundred screeching girls in a gym is worse than any base problems that UL has

  6. Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    if it is to loud bring ear plugs that is what the dads do at our daughters all girl high school when they have an event. Believe me a few hundred screeching girls in a gym is worse than any base problems that UL has
    Makes me wonder why organic sound (noise) is so much more tolerable and even welcomed sometimes.

  7. #55

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    I sit upper deck south end 20 yard line and it’s loud. That’s pretty far from the source. That grass hill must shake when the PA talks.

  8. #56

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    I'm in section G right next to the hill and honestly I didn't even notice the PA being loud

  9. Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hudsheen#Fired View Post
    I'm in section G right next to the hill and honestly I didn't even notice the PA being loud
    I was thinking the levee might be the most sound absorbing part of Cajun Field

  10. #58

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hudsheen#Fired View Post
    I'm in section G right next to the hill and honestly I didn't even notice the PA being loud
    Well you know they say hearing is the second thing to go as you age.

  11. #59

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    They say what can be done. That little knob on the dash board, turn it slightly to the right. I notice about 4-5 say the volume is OK, and 25,142 at Saturdays game say turn it down.

  12. #60

    Default Re: What can be done about the volume of the sound at football games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    They say what can be done. That little knob on the dash board, turn it slightly to the left. I notice about 4-5 say the volume is OK, and 25,142 at Saturdays game say turn it down.
    Is this guy operating the volume?

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