I do not go to concerts and movies. I do not subject myself to loud noises. On job sites I wear hearing protection. I go to games and wear hearing protection. It's the people who don't know better that the university is harming. Whether They are doing it intentionally or not is beside the point. They are damaging people's hearing and it has got to stop.
I do not go to concerts and movies. I do not subject myself to loud noises. I wear hearing protection when i cut my grass or use power equipment. On job sites I wear hearing protection. I go to football games and wear hearing protection. It's the people who don't know better that the university is harming. Whether They are doing it intentionally or not is beside the point. They are damaging people's hearing and it has got to stop.
You need to get off of Helmet's case. I've been a drummer and musician all of my life. I have tinitus. You want to trade ears with me? If you don't, then shut up. You seem to think it's funny. It's not. So again, shut up.
I was telling a good friend, I hope someone brings a decibel meter to the game. I am glad Helmet is. I wish he would have had one Saturday night so he could have gauged how outrageous it was.
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