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Thread: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

  1. #37

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    _ I want to know the dummy who leaked the info to KLFY and why they ran with it?

    If this were true there would have been a lot more news today.

    "Offers" should never be news or make the news, on the other hand "Accepted offers" is news. _
    LOL NewsCopy throwin down some smack talk on KLFY

  2. #38

    I have a Question Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    I want to know who the hell wrote the KLFY "report"? Is the author a 13 year old girl? Four exclamation points???

  3. #39

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Someone at KLFY should be kicked in the balls for this.

  4. #40

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by raginsaints View Post
    _ Someone at KLFY should be kicked in the balls for this. _

    If it ain't on KATC... it ain't true!

  5. #41

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    _ LOL NewsCopy throwin down some smack talk on KLFY _

    As per my sources today, the report is bogus. Floyd has not been offered the position and interviews are on going. This does not mean he will not be offered the position, just as per today Floyd has not been offered the UL job.

  6. #42

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    _ Okay, so you like Pierre and I have no problem with that. There is no sure thing, both could very possibly flop here in Lafayette. To me, we could do a lot worse then either candidate, so in that respect we both want this program to improve. Long term continuity is nice, but if Pierre comes here and wins SBC championships, who is to say he would stay 8-10 years? He would certainly get his share of opportunities to move on to better programs. _

    Hes more apt to stay here longer than Floyd just my opinion plus you dont get the baggage with him that you get with Floyd. yea i know hes been cleared but theres still baggage.

  7. #43

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    The fact that outside of KLFY no one has anything reporting an offer to Floyd so that would lead me to think that KLFY got some bad info and broke it without checking it's sources.

  8. #44

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    _ The fact that outside of KLFY no one has anything reporting an offer to Floyd so that would lead me to think that KLFY got some bad info and broke it without checking it's sources. _
    refer back to my earlier faust is a clown

  9. Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Too bad the new coach can't bring back Elijah Milsap. We really missed out on that kid. He is an absolute stud. I'm getting sick to my stomach watching him light up the tar heels by himself. To think that guy should be a Cajun is just gut wrenching. Him and TJ together would have been a joy to watch, not to mention how they would have dominated the belt. Milsap was the last Elite D1 player we had in the robert lee area, with the exception of Tyrens emergence.

  10. #46

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    thats why i watch KATC

  11. #47

    Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ Too bad the new coach can't bring back Elijah Milsap. We really missed out on that kid. He is an absolute stud. I'm getting sick to my stomach watching him light up the tar heels by himself. To think that guy should be a Cajun is just gut wrenching. Him and TJ together would have been a joy to watch, not to mention how they would have dominated the belt. Milsap was the last Elite D1 player we had in the robert lee area, with the exception of Tyrens emergence. _
    It seems to me that Gradnigo would be a bigger force with another coach...

  12. Default Re: KLFY Reporting Offer to Floyd

    Dude, Chris Gradnigo is a lazy head case. If he played for a coach that didn't require him to play defense, maybe he would be of some use.

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