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Thread: Jersey "giveaway"

  1. #1

    Default Jersey "giveaway"

    Lafayette, LA-After the final home game the IceGators auctioned off Nick Pernula's jersey. Fans were given a ticket and the winner will be announce starting tomorrow, March 23. The number will be announced on the team's website,
    A different number will be placed on the website to under the standings. There will be a different number each day. If your number is on the site you need to contact the IceGators office at (337) 366-9300.

    "This is help bring people to our website that we launched a little more than a month ago," stated Ron Handy, Assistant General Manager.

    The 'Gators go on the road for the final three games of the season. Louisiana visits Pensacola (March 25) and Mississippi (March 26 and 27) to close out the season. >>>

    Is this the "shirt off his back" from Saturday night that they are talking about?

  2. Default Re: Jersey "giveaway"

    Yes.. they announced a different number at the post game auction. That number was 414012

  3. #3

    Default Re: Jersey "giveaway"

    Thanks, I heard when they announced the 2nd number. But it's not like I keep those little tickets!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Jersey "giveaway"

    i heard they already have a winner

  5. Default Gators' Karasiewicz Named Sher-Wood Player Of The Week

    CHARLOTTE, NC (March 23, 2009) - The Southern Professional Hockey League (SPHL) today announced Trevor Karasiewicz of the Louisiana IceGators is the S... - SPHL

    Homes SO Clean

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