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Thread: Worst Home schedule, EVER

  1. #49

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Everyone is right to be disappointed with the schedule. Its true, all FBS conferences have sold out the fans for TV monies. Oklahoma-Nebraska, playing for first time in years, are bellyaching/protesting loudly about being scheduled for 11 a.m. kick off instead of primetime. They have no more clout than we do on setting game times with the networks either. As long as we're winning we're obviously more attractive to the networks. Losing one home game to mid-week seems fair to ask. Shifting three to mid week for the networks is asking too much.

    This all strikes me that ESPN is like WalMart. They've done a lot of good in their 'space' over the years, but they still manage to leave a wake of collateral damage in their quest to dominate their space. Amazon on the same path. Its the golden rule at work... he who has the gold rules. So we're playing 3 mid week home games. We can take solace in winning the games and getting high ratings which may or may not cause us to repeat the cycle in future years.

  2. #50

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    As Al Davis would say, "Just Win Baby"!

  3. #51

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Its time to Control what you can control, and dont stress about the rest. Life is too crazy already without all this extra stress. If you can go to a home game, buy season tickets or a single game ticket and go, if you cant, watch on TV, its now a option that we didnt have not too long ago. Let the people who get paid to grow our fan base figure out how to best do that given our new found love from ESPN.

    you nor I cant control what 1, much less 20k or more other people will and wont do, some have been trying to fight that losing battle for years now with attendance. It has always been some reason that stops people. However, there will be a time we catch fire in the hearts of Acadiana, and when we do, all of the past and current reasons wont stop people from supporting the program. Also, support comes in a lot of different ways, not just attendance, so dont lose heart Cajun Nation.

    For the conference realignment group. I would wager TV viewership is more important than home attendance to a prospective new conference. So, I end this like i started, Control what you can and dont stress over the rest.

  4. Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    I understand the fan being upset.

    I understand why these decisions are made.

    Being on National TV 6 times, coming off of a huge year and lead by a nationally respected coach is exactly how AAC teams accomplished perception change.

    It’s sucks that we have 3 Saturday games. Trust me, the admin knows we need the revenue.

    But if Billy and the boys take care of business, we will have a legit resume for the college football playoff (especially if Texas goes on to do what ISU did last year.)

  5. #53

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Malkinson View Post
    I will just wait until they offer $100 tailgating spots before the season because only 40% renew
    I don't think that's going to happen, but that is entirely up to you.

  6. #54

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post

    Saturday Night Light specials
    This ____ again?

  7. Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Balanced_view View Post
    Its time to Control what you can control, and dont stress about the rest. Life is too crazy already without all this extra stress. If you can go to a home game, buy season tickets or a single game ticket and go, if you cant, watch on TV, its now a option that we didnt have not too long ago. Let the people who get paid to grow our fan base figure out how to best do that given our new found love from ESPN.

    you nor I cant control what 1, much less 20k or more other people will and wont do, some have been trying to fight that losing battle for years now with attendance. It has always been some reason that stops people. However, there will be a time we catch fire in the hearts of Acadiana, and when we do, all of the past and current reasons wont stop people from supporting the program. Also, support comes in a lot of different ways, not just attendance, so dont lose heart Cajun Nation.

    For the conference realignment group. I would wager TV viewership is more important than home attendance to a prospective new conference. So, I end this like i started, Control what you can and dont stress over the rest.
    Turn on all the televisions in your house to the UL matchup .... Then go to the game.

  8. Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    This ____ again?
    Don't kid yourself, the stench of weekday games smells worse.

  9. #57

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    This ____ again?
    Jerry is out at Liberty can bring him on board to help with it.

  10. #58

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Don't kid yourself, the stench of weekday games smells worse.
    Y'all need to stop tailgating next to the porta potties. So much room on a Thursday night I'm pretty sure you can just pick a spot and no one will care. It's Ohio not The Ohio State penitentiary

  11. Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    This ____ again?
    I don't even respond anymore, this is pure foolishness' and absurdness.

  12. #60

    Default Re: Worst Home schedule, EVER

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    What if they announce stadium renovations as a reason we’re only having 3 games this year...
    Scratching my head at this one.... We're still playing 6 home games.

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