I was out of town for a few days and only listened to interview yesterday. I enjoyed Brad telling the stories from the old days and his passion cannot be questioned. I agree that the program needs to do a better job in the promotions area. I understand they were planning some new things in that regard this past season but Covid put a stop to it. Still, much improvement could be made in that area and Brad had some good points on how to to do that. Regarding scheduling, the 2 for 1 idea he suggested is one many including I would support. However, Dr. Maggard does not want to enter into those so he would have to be convinced otherwise. Finally, from what I understand Malik Wilson left mainly due to wanting to play at a program with a high chance to regularly be in the NCAA tournament. He found that in Texas Tech. I am not sure how much of the decision was due to the environment here. A few days after the season ended his Mom was on Twitter expressing good things about the program and looking forward to the next Cajun season. Overall, I enjoyed that podcast as much as any other. Brad may be a good person to have as a guest on a semi regular basis. Suggestion is for him to come back on in October before the season starts. Doing so during a football bye week is suggested. He could preview the Cajuns upcoming season, talk about HS outlook in the area, and discuss how his TBT team did in summer. Granted, it would have to occur before he became too busy with duties of coaching his own HS team.