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Thread: Keep up the good work Jessie

  1. Default

    Probably what kept Fletchers numbers so low is that his only letter winners in 1992-93 were:

    Shawn GRIGGS
    Otis LANIER
    Michael ALLEN
    Bryan COLLINS
    Tony MORRIS

    Geaux Cajuns

  2. #14

    UL Basketball

    Chuck- If you are saying Turbine is a goof ball for supporting Jessie, shame on you! He brings some valid points to this discussion. I personally believe Jessie could have some sort of mechanism installed that would indicate if his players are in fact attending class, if they are in need of tutoring, etc. If he doesn't shame on him. If he does and isn't leaning on the player(s) to attend class or meet with a tutor, double shame on him. But to call Turbine a goof ball is a bit much!

  3. #15


    You have to keep in mind the fact that he is dealing with players that aren't very easy to deal with. If I remember right a couple of these guys have a thorough criminal record. The fact that he still has some of these players on his team considering their very shaky pasts is a major accomplishment.

    I can't believe that people are still on Jessie's case! This guy has been a great coach who has turned this program into a leading mid-major program. Sun Belt champs in 2000, West Division champs in 01-02. Postseason play for the last 3 years. And this year despite losing two key players I still think this team looks more talented than any other team he has had so far. I don't get it, what more do you want from him?

  4. #16


    You are right cajuncharlie. You are right. I was a little loose with my goofball award. Besides it's not going to be as bad as I was led to think.

  5. #17


    Sorry Turbine we friends? :confused:

  6. #18


    Chuck- Sometimes in the heat of the battle we say or do something we regret, but cannot bring ourselves to say we were wrong. But you, my friend, were able to do so. What a BIG MAN

  7. #19


    All atheletes at the university are required to get reports from their professors on grades and attendance at least twice a semester if not more. The basketball team has study hall but it is not mandatory. If you were late to work (practice, the team bus trip to play UNO, study hall) or if you were constantly not accomplishing all that your job title required (passing twenty-four credit hours in a year) how long would you last at your job. If these players are constantly holding back the team get rid of them. Isn't it funny how Jessie's teams always get off to a slow start. Maybe it's because they have no form of continuity in practice before the season. There is first team of the eligible players and first team of who we wish were eligible. I understand Jessie has to take risk on players because this is not Duke but he has to do a better job of regulating what these players are doing. If he wouldn't have the two kids from STM there would be seven players. Don't forget those two kids are not on atheletic scholarships. Has Jessie signed anyone in the last two years that has been qualified. Spencer Ford went to a Juco and has since commited to LSU, the kid from Cal. is not in school and the Juco guy didn't get a visa. Great job on the schedule being two games short also. Jessie needs to get a grip and win a post season game.

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