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Thread: OT: Do you expect a flag almost every time?

  1. #1

    Default OT: Do you expect a flag almost every time?

    Is it just me or when a team throws a bomb or has a fantastic play, I look for a penalty flag. I’m a Saints fan and I definitely feel that way watching them. Did they change the rules recently? I mean mainly with pass interference and reviewing calls. You can’t celebrate a great play.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OT: Do you expect a flag almost every time?

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    Is it just me or when a team throws a bomb or has a fantastic play, I look for a penalty flag. I’m a Saints fan and I definitely feel that way watching them. Did they change the rules recently? I mean mainly with pass interference and reviewing calls. You can’t celebrate a great play.
    It's the new NFL. If a defender looks at the intended receiver the wrong way, pass interference is called. If you give the QB more than a love tap after he's thrown the ball, flag.

    It's why passing "records" have become pretty irrelevant, especially trying to compare to QBs in even just 15-20 years ago. Single season receiving records also to an extent.

    I actually enjoyed the games this weekend, because it was as if the teams were allowed to play defense. Not a single 300+ yard passer in any of the four games. Only the Chiefs combined for over 300 between Mahomes and Henne, and it was barely.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OT: Do you expect a flag almost every time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    It's the new NFL. If a defender looks at the intended receiver the wrong way, pass interference is called. If you give the QB more than a love tap after he's thrown the ball, flag.

    It's way passing "records" have become pretty irrelevant, especially trying to compare to QBs in even just 15-20 years ago. Single season receiving records also to an extent.

    I actually enjoyed the games this weekend, because it was as if the teams were allowed to play defense. Not a single 300+ yard passer in any of the four games. Only the Chiefs combined for over 300 between Mahomes and Henne, and it was barely.
    To me its the inconsistency. There are plays that seem like if you blow on a player they'll call P.I. but then there are other plays that they let so much contact go by without anything I don't know what P.I. is anymore.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OT: Do you expect a flag almost every time?

    Fist off, I really hate the PI rule in the NFL. To be able to conceivably have a 99 yard penalty is silly. The college rule is better with the 15 yard max.

    I always look for the flag when I'm watching the Saints too. We're jaded, I guess, but our defensive backs are good for a couple of PI a game and it's been like that for a while. Most penalized in the league this year I think.

    I look for it in the college game too. Especially on 3rd and 4th down, but I don't "expect" to see any laundry like in the pro game.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OT: Do you expect a flag almost every time?

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    To me its the inconsistency. There are plays that seem like if you blow on a player they'll call P.I. but then there are other plays that they let so much contact go by without anything I don't know what P.I. is anymore.
    I don't know what pass interference is anymore either. This goes both ways. My teams and the opponents we're playing. I constantly see what is a good defensive play going for the ball and knocking it away just to be flagged. It also depends on which players are involved. Stars tend to get more positive penalties than the not ready for prime time players. If I was a NFL coach, I would just throw a hail Mary pass when my team needed a big play and wait for the flag.

    Reviews are great but it's like the NFL is getting anal retentive about each important play. You can't celebrate a great play these days without looking for a flag.

    The kickoff return Harris made was an awesome run. A Saints player grazed the back of a Buc player and it was all for not. Technically it was a foul but I don't think that was the spirit of this rule. I would imagine a ref could throw a flag on every other return play.

    I've been a Saints fan since birth. I'm starting to not enjoy watching them play win or lose. You have to delay your celebration because of the refs. What's next? lawyers on the field?

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