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Thread: UL Football, 3 Areas of Improvement Needed

  1. #1

    UL Football UL Football, 3 Areas of Improvement Needed

    What 3 areas do you think need improvement on UL Football?

    1) Napier play too cute somtimes

    2) putting other teams away, early...develop a killer mentality.

    3) Develop a deep passing game

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    What 3 areas do you think need improvement on UL Football?

    1) Napier play too cute somtimes

    2) putting other teams away, early...develop a killer mentality.

    3) Develop a deep passing game
    Play calling - weakest area. Poor plays at key moments cost points and swung momentum. Also, need to utilize our speed more with running plays that seemingly aren't always between the tackles.


    I agree with 1,2 and somewhat agree with 3.

    I don't think they need a deep passing "game" but they do need a deep passing "threat."

    They also need to develop an over the middle TE threat.

  4. Default Re: UL Football, 3 Areas of Improvement Needed

    I don’t think you can become an accurate deep passer after a four year career of being OK but not particularly good at it. That’s still going to be single coverage. Especially the first game.

  5. Default Re: UL Football, 3 Areas of Improvement Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    I don’t think you can become an accurate deep passer after a four year career of being OK but not particularly good at it. That’s still going to be single coverage. Especially the first game.
    If you find a receiver whose speed matches your throw, you definitely can.

  6. #6

    Default Re: UL Football, 3 Areas of Improvement Needed

    Great, enthusiastic crowds that make it tough on opponents. Stronger push on DL and figure out how to replace Ragas/Mitchell. We can win with everything else

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