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Thread: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

  1. #49

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Nobody needs to know that. Let's keep it a secret.
    Exactly! We seem to be our own worst enemy many times.... Everyone else built a narrative but no wonder nobody will listen to us even on a simple thing like our name if we cant agree on that narrative.

  2. #50

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Why limit the length of such tenure? We dont know when that date is... The Same "posters" of their day (i.e. the tallahassee donut shop or barber shop) said im sure bobby leaves for bama, he cant move us to a "p5" conference

  3. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    Why limit the length of such tenure? We dont know when that date is... The Same "posters" of their day (i.e. the tallahassee donut shop or barber shop) said im sure bobby leaves for bama, he cant move us to a "p5" conference
    You haven’t a clue. The world was absolutely different when he started at FSU. Difficult, but navigable. In fact he took over FSU head coach before the NCAA lost it’s monopoly over television rights to NCAA football

    Even after that independents were more numerous and had greater power than now. It’s simply foolish to compare the Bowden golden era to the current circumstances, ABC pretty much owned football tv rights before ESPN.

  4. #52

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Fair enough. But you would rather win a post than fight to change a broken system?...not saying i know how to, but i wouldnt want to just give up so easily without even talking to the man about it..... P.s. abc and espn are the same company

  5. Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    ABC pretty much owned football tv rights before ESPN.
    And now ABC and ESPN are both owned by Disney.

  6. #54

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    And now ABC and ESPN are both owned by Disney.
    Yes sir. And bow to chy-na every chance they get! An ethic im sure they have passed on to their fave conferences.

  7. #55

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    Yes sir. And bow to chy-na every chance they get! An ethic im sure they have passed on to their fave conferences.
    I'm sure I will be sorry, but what are you talking about? When have ESPN and ABC bowed to China? NBA, perhaps, but ABC and ESPN??????

  8. Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Of course ESPN started up as a small platform that was bought by ABC and finally Disney.

    Whatever is the debate about? Certainly the landscape of college football has changed dramatically from the time that the NCAA lost it’s tv monopoly. Now the P5 is autonomous and simply suggesting a break with the NCAA creates stained underwear in the NCAA headquarters.

  9. #57

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    Holy ____. Aren’t you supposed to be a doctor? We are not getting a Big XII invite. Certainly not during the timeframe of Coach Napier’s tenure here.

    Can this stuff please die right now? Louisiana is not getting an invite into the Big XII in the near future.
    100 percent true.

  10. #58

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    You haven’t a clue. The world was absolutely different when he started at FSU. Difficult, but navigable. In fact he took over FSU head coach before the NCAA lost it’s monopoly over television rights to NCAA football

    Even after that independents were more numerous and had greater power than now. It’s simply foolish to compare the Bowden golden era to the current circumstances, ABC pretty much owned football tv rights before ESPN.
    Thank u so much for posting that link. Any more literature on that would be greatly appreciated. May i also post it on the "is there an alt to ncaa thread"??? Reading through its like a roller coaster almost a ying and yang to certain parts. Fascinating!

  11. #59

    Default Re: 4 Years Ago... Arizona State OC Billy Napier was ‘____ed' he didn't get Alabama OC jo

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    He’s not a WR, but Gronk is the best receiver in the league for almost a decade in New England. Definitely a game breaker and clutch receiver.
    You're right. He's not a receiver and shouldn't be considered as such so he certainly wasn't one of the best receivers in the league. Gronk had 4-1,000 yard seasons in all that time in N.E. He had 4 seasons with less than 50 catches. Again, he was a playmaker at the TE position no doubt but he was not the best receiver in the league. Also, you spoke of talent in general terms across the board. Brady's skill guys were usually nothing more than overlooked rookies or journeymen type guys. I would say that Brady overacelled given the talent he had.

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