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Thread: Legacy Park ( pics )

  1. #1

    Default Legacy Park ( pics )

    I thought our out of town and out of state alumni might enjoy seeing the progress on the new apartment style dorms that are being built on the site of the old McCullough dorm.
    There are a few units that are done and Students have moved in, but most are still under construction. Still not bad progress for 7 months.

  2. #2


    Another view

  3. #3


    Under construction

  4. #4


    View from Girard Park

  5. Default Re: Legacy Park Pictures

    Thanks this is why I came here, I know their will always be pictures to look at. I don't always log in but i have to if I wat to see the kind you posted. Those apartments are beautiful I would love to go to college in an atmosphere like this.

  6. #6


    Nice pictures, Kate! Thanks for posting them. Us out-of-towners appreciate it.

  7. #7


    I think there must be an error. I missed the photos of the young co-eds sunbathing.

    Please post 'em, Kate. Thanks.

  8. #8


    Those will cost you actual money, RaginRash. Credit cards and checks not accepted.

  9. #9


    Is it just me or do they look a lot like the old Martin Hall building that was torn down in the 1960s

  10. #10


    Doesn' even resemble anything from my SLI days. These young kids today have it too easy, too soft, blah, blah,blah.........

  11. Default WOW!

    Those are gorgeous! A far cry from my stay there back in the late 80's and early 90's! Anyone remember the old dining hall right next to McCullough?

  12. #12

    Default New digs

    Nice new digs. How about going back to Vet Village days - an apartment with weeds coming up through the floors. Ofcourse we cut the weeds after we moved in but never figured on gardening as an ongoing requirement.

    Can't complain too much though - the price was right at $35/month.

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