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Thread: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

  1. UL Football Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    During a timeout, Shawn Clark huddled his Appalachian State defense together to warn players what would happen next

  2. Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    I expected a QB RPO on 3rd. Only a super easy pitch and catch, otherwise run it. I can’t second guess the safety because it never ever occurred to me.

  3. Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    It worked and if it hadn't worked Louisiana would have won in overtime.

    I enjoyed reading the percentages of winning on the different types of hypotheticals.

    But back to the Napier podcast. I REALLY appreciate how he put his foot down on discussing hypotheticals.

    Hypotheticals are for us fans.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    a. i cant believe that is weirdest play of entire season
    b. why didnt he just have boudreaux hike it out of endzone on purpose like he did all night and noone would have been surprised or questioned it

  5. #5

    Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Coach Napier explained that option 2 was not going to happen because they hadn't practiced it and why would he place his qb in that situation, in that weather?

    Option 1 wasn't a good option either; if you don't make it they get great field position.

    So, option 3 was the best option!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Here's the other thing no one that I've read has mentioned. By taking the safety, you also gave App the option to kick a field goal to tie. Without the safety, the only choice was that App HAD to go for the TD. It changed how App approached their possession. They "knew" they could tie it if all else failed, so they played it safer than if it were all or nothing with a TD.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    Here's the other thing no one that I've read has mentioned. By taking the safety, you also gave App the option to kick a field goal to tie. Without the safety, the only choice was that App HAD to go for the TD. It changed how App approached their possession. They "knew" they could tie it if all else failed, so they played it safer than if it were all or nothing with a TD.
    All that is well and good, but it still doesn't explain or justify throwing the ball out of bounds on 3rd and 2. We could have made 2 yards in 2 plays running the ball, or, at worst, Levi stays in bounds & makes them use their last time out.

  8. Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    Here's the other thing no one that I've read has mentioned. By taking the safety, you also gave App the option to kick a field goal to tie. Without the safety, the only choice was that App HAD to go for the TD. It changed how App approached their possession. They "knew" they could tie it if all else failed, so they played it safer than if it were all or nothing with a TD.
    See my post here ... point #4.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Quote Originally Posted by ragin50 View Post
    All that is well and good, but it still doesn't explain or justify throwing the ball out of bounds on 3rd and 2. We could have made 2 yards in 2 plays running the ball, or, at worst, Levi stays in bounds & makes them use their last time out.
    Coach has admitted he should have told Levi to not throw it away if the first pass option was not open. He owned his mistake. I respect him for doing so.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Quote Originally Posted by GoneGolfin View Post
    See my post here ... point #4.

    I hadn't read your post when I posted mine. So, .. great minds.

  11. Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Here is what I appreciate about coach Napier.

    This play proves he is "thinking" DURING the game, you can't plan for this.

    He chose a NOVEL move that no one had seen before strictly due to an unforeseen quirk in the game at hand.

    And it worked.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Inside the Weirdest Play of the Season

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    a. i cant believe that is weirdest play of entire season
    b. why didnt he just have boudreaux hike it out of endzone on purpose like he did all night and noone would have been surprised or questioned it
    That would have been a 55 yard hike with a waterlogged ball. Not happening. If it doesn't get out of the endzone, it's a fumble near or in the endzone.

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