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Thread: Napier staying at Louisiana

  1. #13

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    I am so happy Coach Napier is staying at Louisiana. Instead of increasing coaches’ salaries, RCAF needs to reward Coach Napier and his staff with a new football stadium. We must invest in our future and get this done ASAP. I hope the athletic department is planning a very public fundraising campaign. Strike while the team is hot!!!

  2. #14

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Coach just released a statement that he’ll be back.
    I certainly hope he stays, but not just because he wins. From everything I can see, he's winning the right way, and he's focused on the kids. He's a good match for our priorities as a University (you guys 'n' gals are aware there's a university attached to the football team, right?)

    And BTW, I can't imagine a coach with Napier's youth and potential going to USC. Lou Holtz, Steve Spurrier, Will Muschamp... the Gamecocks have been a career-killer for 3 decades, ever since the Tommy Chaikin article.

    The Chicken Curse is alive and well.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    Reports out of SC is that they were prepared to offer the job to Napier on Saturday. The AD team watched the game Friday and when they saw the end of game management they said.... Cancel his flight... He never actually made it to the interview

    J/k of course but I for one am thrilled.. I predict we will be in a NY6 game next year and beat UT
    I'm hearing that USCe didn't make a big enough offer. Maybe Napier is waiting for an opening in Baton Rouge in about 12 month. Can you imagine the melt here?

  4. #16

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    I'm glad Coach Napier is still our coach. He is not just a good coach, he's a good person and is a positive influence on our players.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by locoguano View Post
    I'm hearing that USCe didn't make a big enough offer. Maybe Napier is waiting for an opening in Baton Rouge in about 12 month. Can you imagine the melt here?
    They've raided us before. It kills two birds with one stone: they get a coach, and they stop the state school that is threatening them, and challenging them to be more productive and accountable.

    With tennis, they stopped us. With softball, they didn't.

    Either way, we'll survive.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by Policarp View Post
    2020 quote of the year!!!
    2020 quote of the year!!!

  7. Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    LSU is never hiring a football head coach directly from UL.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    I am so happy Coach Napier is staying at Louisiana. Instead of increasing coaches’ salaries, RCAF needs to reward Coach Napier and his staff with a new football stadium. We must invest in our future and get this done ASAP. I hope the athletic department is planning a very public fundraising campaign. Strike while the team is hot!!!
    Been buying my lotto tickets. Hopefully one day I’ll have something named after the family lol

  9. #21

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    I am so happy Coach Napier is staying at Louisiana. Instead of increasing coaches’ salaries, RCAF needs to reward Coach Napier and his staff with a new football stadium. We must invest in our future and get this done ASAP. I hope the athletic department is planning a very public fundraising campaign. Strike while the team is hot!!!
    Before expanding, shouldn't we fill the one we have?

    You ever seen a team playing in a half-empty stadium? It ain't pretty.

    And don't be sure that winning will fill it. I've seen games at Miami, hosting Clemson, where both teams were in the top 10, and there were only about 20K in the stands.

    Like I said, it ain't pretty.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    I think stadium replacement will be safety issue before it’s a capacity issue.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    I never said the stadium needed to be expanded. It needs to be renovated.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Napier staying at Louisiana

    LSU won’t hire a HC From UL?
    Maybe in the past.
    Two things happen next year:
    LSU continues to suck (which I expect since Coach O is at best a C+ HC that is in WAY over his head)
    UL has the same or BETTER year next year.
    I GUARANTEE our Coach is on top 2 of short list for LSU-

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