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Thread: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

  1. UL Football Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    Sure, Billy Napier says while leaning away from his desk and glaring across the other side, he thought about leaving Louisiana for another head coaching job last offseason.

    Who can really blame him? When you’re the coach at a Sun Belt program making six figures and a major conference school engages you with a gift basket of goodies—quadrupled salary, double staff pay pool, sparkling facilities, a massive donor base—you at least peak into the basket.

  2. Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'


  3. #3

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    Great story!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    Definitely 7.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    Excellent read.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    He's a different cat! Been saying this since my first encounter with him. He may stay until he's taken us as high as anyone can, given our position and situation in the college football world.

    A guy can still dream, right?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    Good article. I like how both Napier and Maggard are straightforward and frank about the position they are in. It's a good look for all involved. It makes UL and our AD look great as it expounds on the support we are giving Napier, while also showcasing the coach and football program's accomplishments. As the article states, the coaching market will be different this offseason; I hope that means we can keep Napier through the 2021 season, while still continuing to grow the Louisiana football brand.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    I believe that you peek into a basket and peak in sexual drive. Big difference, what ever happened to proofreading?

  9. Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    "peaking into a basket" is that anything like "nothing but net"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    I believe that you peek into a basket and peak in sexual drive. Big difference, what ever happened to proofreading?
    Call Hud...he'd know.

    Napier is just what we needed. As pointed out, openings at P5's will be slim this year, and he was already being selective. We might be blessed to see him reload our program and not rebuild.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    I missed the seven part? What?

  12. Default Re: Napier: 'This Jobs Not Done'

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob81 View Post
    I missed the seven part? What?
    The writer said "Sun Belt program making six figures"

    It should have read seven figures.

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