Troy sent the following email to current and former QB Club members today. I am sure any help people can give would be appreciated.
Cajun Stakeholders,
You are receiving this email because you are or were a member of the Ragin Cajun QB Club. This Thursday we will have our second installment of the virtual Quarter Back Club. The link for this week's club will go out tomorrow at noon to all current members of QB Club. If you don't get the link and you are confident that you have renewed please contact me ( on Wednesday and we will get you taken care of... last week a lot of guys waited until Thursday to get their link rectified some even waited to renew on Thursday and that made for an even bigger mad dash before the event. Regardless, I will do whatever it takes for our investors to have as much access to our guys as possible!
We've had a great week over here on Reinhardt Dr. and hope to continue to build on the momentum that we have created. With that said, we need your help. Covid-19 and other issues have caused donations to the QB Club program to shrink dramatically. We were already running very lean... then in the 4th quarter of the Iowa State game our headset system died... the price tag on something like that you ask... $228,000 and its not an optional piece of equipment. We are in dire need for as many new and renewed investors as possible this season. If you know of anyone that wants to ride the wave of excitement surrounding Ragin Cajun football; please direct them to me and i will get them signed up. This is one of the best teams that I have seen in the last 3 decades and these opportunities for National success don't come along every year. Please help us to continue to have the ability to give our players and coaches the resources they need to actualize that potential. Thank you for the consideration!