Taking all other posts into consideration:
I personally believe that Szcef changed the personality of this program and it is going to take some time to get it back. While we did have homerun hitters on the 2000 squad, if you look back, every person in the lineup could bunt, hit n run, and swipe a bag. As much as you want to argue, we are far from a big-time school and still are not going to get the 4-5 guys a year that will make us an elite program. We need an entire roster that believes in the same thing to be successful. That belief needs to be pitching and defense, while manufacturing runs at the plate.
My critique of Robe is it is time to get the ax out. If these guys can't field a ground ball and throw across the diamond, they don't need to be wearing a uniform. Even worse, if they don't have enough pride to get out there and fix it themselves, I feel sorry for their future employers in addition to Robe.