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Thread: McNeese Cancelling 2020 Football Season and more

  1. #13

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    If it was not safe for athletes to be on their own, then why haven't more of them gotten sick in between when they went home and when they returned to campuses? If you want to make the argument football is safer than going to class, then we can have that discussion.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    If it was not safe for athletes to be on their own, then why haven't more of them gotten sick in between when they went home and when they returned to campuses? If you want to make the argument football is safer than going to class, then we can have that discussion.
    I don't know if football is necessarily safer than going to class but I do think that if you can go to class and live on campus, you can play.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    If it was not safe for athletes to be on their own, then why haven't more of them gotten sick in between when they went home and when they returned to campuses? If you want to make the argument football is safer than going to class, then we can have that discussion.
    Some of them probably did have the virus and never had bad enough symptoms to get tested. But playing football they will be tested regularly.

    I just got over the virus. Never ran a fever. Had slight congestion. Would have never known if not for losing my smell and taste. And I’m an out of shape 39 year old.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    I don't know if football is necessarily safer than going to class but I do think that if you can go to class and live on campus, you can play.
    Totally agree. My point is those that say these players are safer on campus than at home.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob81 View Post
    Some of them probably did have the virus and never had bad enough symptoms to get tested. But playing football they will be tested regularly.

    I just got over the virus. Never ran a fever. Had slight congestion. Would have never known if not for losing my smell and taste. And I’m an out of shape 39 year old.
    Okay, yes, they will get tested more, but if they are not showing signs and test positive, what difference does it make?

  6. Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    Totally agree. My point is those that say these players are safer on campus than at home.
    The much more contoled environment of 19 to 22 year olds playing sports leaves much less time and opportunity to be in spots that are more conducive to catching the virus. Those are just the facts. They would be safer at school playing football than at hoe with all the idle time on their hands.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    The much more contoled environment of 19 to 22 year olds playing sports leaves much less time and opportunity to be in spots that are more conducive to catching the virus. Those are just the facts. They would be safer at school playing football than at hoe with all the idle time on their hands.
    Then why didn't they all get sick before they came back to school? The facts to do not support this.

  8. Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    Then why didn't they all get sick before they came back to school? The facts to do not support this.
    There’s no facts, only personal opinions. But without jobs college age people might have stayed in with their families. Once outside the family at college who knows what and who they’re with. I sure woulda been with any decent looking coed regardless of the Wuhan.

  9. Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    Then why didn't they all get sick before they came back to school? The facts to do not support this.
    Not sure where you are getting info that there was not sickness before they reported. From what I heard, over 20 players showed up with Covid. No new cases since they reported.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    More players will catch Covid not playing than playing.

    You can take that to the bank.
    You're correct, but the schools will be targets of trial lawyers. If you have "deep pockets", the merits of any case are out the window with these low life attorneys

  11. Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by RiverRanchMan View Post
    You're correct, but the schools will be targets of trial lawyers. If you have "deep pockets", the merits of any case are out the window with these low life attorneys
    That is why it is so important not just for schools but for businesses that some type of immunity be passed.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Here's an Idea for Filling our schedule

    Ahh Plaintiff Attorneys. The profession that has ruined this state and country. Too many of these Greedy idiots. They seriously need to make law school and the bar more difficult to limit the numbers of attorneys we have in this state.

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