Saturday night I went to a Lafayette Ice Gator game with some friends. As odd as ice hockey in South Louisiana sounds, so does snow in these parts and that's obviously happened three time since I've been here.


Despite the fact that I am not an avid hockey fan, I am always up for any spectator sport involving speed and body slamming. A friend of mine asked if I was interested in seeing Lafayette's pro or semi-pro (it's up for debate, depending on who you ask)ice hockey team play that evening, and my first response was too Google ticket prices. While at the Ice Gator's website checking out ticketing, I noticed that the March 6th game was list a "guaranteed win night," so I was definitely in!

What is a "guaranteed win night?" According to the Ice Gator website, a "guaranteed win night" is a game that the Ice Gators are so confident they'll win, that if they don't, then they will give every member of the audience a free ticket to the next home game.

The rest of the story