Turning down Three Quarter of a BILLION dollars with no loss of ownership when you gave away 100 acres for six million?
This doesn't add up. 1.2 million a year makes more sense and I could see him maybe saying no if he learned from his first mistake.
Even at the low rate Louisiana would make more money in 6 years than they made from the Horse Farm.
The deal was put on the table as a starter, we have no idea what it would look like in the end. But the person that gave me that number has been doing those type of deals for years. Whether it would have ended up being $30M or $20M in the end, it amounts to 2/3rds of your current athletic budget, before selling one ticket, parking pass, fee or hot dog. It's unconscionable to not have even consider the deal or at least looked at something in writing. But given the decisions he has made in recent months, this isn't as much of surprise to me.
In the FDT video case, it was a bunch of young athletes and it did not really get blown up until the coach demanded that they not be villified. Even that hurt funding and donor relationships.
This is the ____ President of the University speaking. That's troubling, very troubling.
So first a couple of clarifications please.
Is it Kroenke or Greinke? My guess is if land development everyone has meant Kroenke.
T, you mentioned this was a few years ago, so it would pre date Dr Maggard?
I am not so much concerned with the numbers, as I am with the professional aspect of this. If Dr Savoie just ghosted these people and refused to meet with them, that is flat dereliction of fiduciary duty.
I know how a lot of 'deals' can be time-wasters and tire-kickers. That is why you have people vet them for you and bring the ones that have a degree of realizability to you. If that was done and you still don't make the time to listen, how are you being a good steward of for the people you are serving. Not only that, but you get a reputation as listening to your people's advice, how do you attract good people?
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