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Thread: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

  1. #49

    Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Selling on a high and greed play a part in this.

    Just like the highly profitable Daily Advertiser was attractive to Gannett. Gannett didn't know what make it tick.

    Several companies bought and sold (for a profit) the local stations that make up TownSquare's Acadiana holdings. TownSquare did this nation-wide and went deeply in debt to do this.

    So when you hear of financial problems in the media, its not covering daily operations for a profit that is the problem. Its covering massive acquisition loans and interest that are the death knell.
    The 30 & under crowd has pretty much abandoned Fm/ am that's going to be the problem in the future

  2. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Selling on a high and greed play a part in this.

    Just like the highly profitable Daily Advertiser was attractive to Gannett. Gannett didn't know what make it tick.

    Several companies bought and sold (for a profit) the local stations that make up TownSquare's Acadiana holdings. TownSquare did this nation-wide and went deeply in debt to do this.

    So when you hear of financial problems in the media, its not covering daily operations for a profit that is the problem. Its covering massive acquisition loans and interest that are the death knell.
    You are more correct than you know...All these large radio groups are leveraged to the hilt...

  3. Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by 31Ragin97 View Post
    i thought foote was a full time writer for the newspaper? how can someone do both? media claim to always want transparency but honestly their own methods arent very transparent. the systems in general, not singling out foote. who is full time who is part time, etc etc, if they dont explain these things how do young kids decide on these careers at career day for example, media seems so hush hush. writers are editors, senior correspondent but no junior correspondent, etc etc

    You can have a full time job and still have 16 sporadic hours in the day to do as you please

  4. #52

    Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

    In 2018 Town Square sold its Midway entertainment fairs consisting of 150 fairs across America, think carnivals. In 2019 they sold their festival business consisting of 200 festivals per year to live Nation for a paltry 10 million dollars.

    They needed cash to help offset their radio debt, which, before the virus, was $600,000 million. With radio taking a huge hit from advertisers, and with over 300 radio stations, I would look for their debt to reach
    $1 billion.

    Their two major competitors are Cumulus radio with a current debt of $1.05 billion and Iheart media with, are you ready for this? A debt of $20 billion.

    I would say if this shutdown continues for longer than we expect, radio will be one of those businesses that suffers the most.

  5. Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post

    You can have a full time job and still have 16 sporadic hours in the day to do as you please
    way to pull back the curtain, thanks as usual

  6. Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

  7. Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

  8. Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    There is silence now on 1420.. technical issues ? Ian should be on now
    I locked myself out of the building. That's why we were silent for a few minutes at the top of the 8:00 hour. That said, only reason I'm still on is because my show has two sponsors. If something happens to them, I'll be off the air, too. At the risk of sounding like Mike Barras at an MDA telethon, if you want to sponsor the show, hit me up. Any little bit helps.

  9. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by IndiaPaleAle View Post
    I locked myself out of the building. That's why we were silent for a few minutes at the top of the 8:00 hour. That said, only reason I'm still on is because my show has two sponsors. If something happens to them, I'll be off the air, too. At the risk of sounding like Mike Barras at an MDA telethon, if you want to sponsor the show, hit me up. Any little bit helps.
    Have you ever seen the video when, on air during the telethon, Barras almost strangled a clown who kept hitting over the head with a rubber chicken?

  10. Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

    If only were same for cnn if they played by same rules theyd be off air by now...someone is financing them back door

  11. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    I'm pretty sure that Jay posted on Facebook that he will continue to be the VOICE of the Cajuns for at least anther couple of years. He has a contract with Learfield that I understand is totally separate from TownSquare Media. TownSquare apparently has a deal with Learfield to broadcast Cajun sports for the next few years, but has no say so in the on-air talent. That is strictly between Learfield and UL.

    At least that is my understanding based on Jay's post.
    103.7 would be very smart to go after Jay to get more UL listeners.

  12. Default Re: New ESPN 1420 Programming Lineup Begins on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by roarman View Post
    Have you ever seen the video when, on air during the telethon, Barras almost strangled a clown who kept hitting over the head with a rubber chicken?
    I have not! Does that video exist online somewhere?

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