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Thread: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

  1. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    This right here makes you lose all credibility. He said before the season that this team was taking him to the CWS. He has to look back at that and forward to his 2-8 record in complete disbelief. These circumstances has him pressing so much they don't stand a chance at this juncture. Time to put all that behind him and starting tomorrow coaching like he can with what he has got and quit all the crazy and silly ____e.
    How can I go on living knowing I lost credibility with you. What will my life become now I just don't know. Maybe some of you need to revisit those statements to refresh your memory About Omaha and the program

  2. #98

    Default Re: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAlum10 View Post
    Jesus Christ. Check your baseball bro. No. Absolutely never walk the bases loaded on purpose. Did you forget that baseball has such a thing as passed balls and errors? It’s an imperfect game and you don’t give anyone the advantage of scoring from 3rd base unless it’s Barry ____ing Bonds in his 70HR season. In which case, he was cheating with roids. Not some Joe Blow from Sam Houston State. I saw Deggs quote in Foote’s article saying he didn’t want that guy to beat him. Mother f’n have some faith in your damn pitcher. Deggs has lost a couple games this season with his calls and I’m not the only one thinking it.

    I’m in a huge group text with some former players and everyone is saying the same thing, Deggs is over-coaching right now and looks completely lost.

    It’s a shame for his players because they deserved to win this game.

    While we’re at it, Cantrelle should’ve been bunting front the first damn pitch in his at-bat. Leave the ____ing ego at the door and win the damn game. Move the runner over.

    We will lose fans fast because our fan base is not stupid, they understand baseball and won’t put up with boneheaded coaching decisions.

    Do a better job, Coach. It’s not even close to respectful. telling me when the count gets to 3-1 on the best hitter in the lineup that you are still gonna pitch to him? With 2 outs? In a fastball count? With a guy on deck that had struck out 3 times already? We cant be talking about the same situation right?

  3. Default Re: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    How can I go on living knowing I lost credibility with you. What will my life become now I just don’t know. Maybe some of you need to revisit those statements to refresh your memory About Omaha and the program
    Dude, right before this season started he publicly said he was taking this team to Omaha.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Oh, yes, we have a long history of going to Omaha.
    Expectations based on something that happened one time decades ago. Coastal will be in the same boat a few years from now. Caught lightening in a bottle. Doesn’t hurt to strive for it again, but look at what we have on the field. Mostly same players we had last year, who didn’t even sniff the NCAA tournament. Robe, Deggs, or name a coach. Ain’t happening this year. Deggs said what the fans wanted to here after a lousy season and Robe’s passing. As any coach would.

  5. Default Re: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Expectations based on something that happened one time decades ago. Coastal will be in the same boat a few years from now. Caught lightening in a bottle. Doesn’t hurt to strive for it again, but look at what we have on the field. Mostly same players we had last year, who didn’t even sniff the NCAA tournament. Robe, Deggs, or name a coach. Ain’t happening this year. Deggs said what the fans wanted to here after a lousy season and Robe’s passing. As any coach would.
    What I said was his proclamation of such with the team playing the way they have played has caused him to press and make many questionable coaching calls that are costing us chances to win.

  6. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Dad04 View Post
    This is a long term rebuild, start from scratch.
    Stocking up on JUCOs is a bizarre way to start a long term rebuild.

  7. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post telling me when the count gets to 3-1 on the best hitter in the lineup that you are still gonna pitch to him? With 2 outs? In a fastball count? With a guy on deck that had struck out 3 times already? We cant be talking about the same situation right?
    Ummm are you serious? It's called having faith and trusting in your pitcher. How about a slider just off the plate that may or may not be a ball for an unintentional-intentional Walk that the over-zealous COLLEGE ____ING HITTER may or may not swing at to make it a full count? We aren't talking MLB ALL-Star Astro sign stealing players here. We are talking college hitters that our pitcher has already proven he can strike out with authority.

    We are talking COMPLETE LACK OF FAITH IN YOUR TEAM AND CAVING IN, TO SAY THEY ARE BETTER THAN US, AND WALKING THEM. Talk about playing scared. I'm sorry. Man the ____ up and play baseball. Don't give the game away for free.

    In what baseball world do you live in where intentionally walking the bases loaded IN EXTRA INNINGS is a smart move? Mind you, we aren't talking about an open base here, we are talking about moving the runners over 90 feet and making it to where any possible miscue can give them the lead. It's not like we were setting up a force out.

    Don't test me on my knowledge of the game. I don't have time for this.

    And look, I'll be the first to say I was and still am the biggest fan of Deggs taking and carrying on Robe's legacy into the future. And I truly believe that in the long run we will be fine, this season even. But that doesn't mean I give him a pass for bad moves.

  8. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Dad04 View Post
    1-8 at home. Let that sink in.
    We’ve sucked at home every since we built that palace...prove me wrong. One thing is for sure we ____ed teams up in the old Tigue.

    Do I want to go backwards? No...but I’m ready to defend my front door!

  9. Default Re: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    We’ve sucked at home every since we built that palace...prove me wrong. One thing is for sure we ____ed teams up in the old Tigue.

    Do I want to go backwards? No...but I’m ready to defend my front door!
    We have lots of tangents on this thread. That post was in response to one indicating a realistic hope for a winning season this year.

  10. #106

    Default Re: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAlum10 View Post
    Ummm are you serious? It’s called having faith and trusting in your pitcher. How about a slider just off the plate that may or may not be a ball for an unintentional-intentional Walk that the over-zealous COLLEGE ____ING HITTER may or may not swing at to make it a full count? We aren’t talking MLB ALL-Star Astro sign stealing players here. We are talking college hitters that our pitcher has already proven he can strike out with authority.

    We are talking COMPLETE LACK OF FAITH IN YOUR TEAM AND CAVING IN, TO SAY THEY ARE BETTER THAN US, AND WALKING THEM. Talk about playing scared. I’m sorry. Man the ____ up and play baseball. Don’t give the game away for free.

    In what baseball world do you live in where intentionally walking the bases loaded IN EXTRA INNINGS is a smart move? Mind you, we aren’t talking about an open base here, we are talking about moving the runners over 90 feet and making it to where any possible miscue give them the lead. It’s not like we were setting up a force out.

    Don’t test me on my knowledge of the game. I don’t have time for this.

    And look, I’ll be the first to say I was and still am the biggest fan of Deggs taking and carrying on Robe’s legacy into the future. And I truly believe that in the long run we will be fine, this season even. But that doesn’t mean I give him a pass for stupid decisions that a little league coach knows better than.

    Rove is turning over in his grave.
    Agree to disagree. I walk the guy. He was at 70 plus pitches, the longest outing of his career, and i take my chances of letting him dominate the next batter, get a groundball and get his team off the field. . I GUARANTEE you Robe aint letting the one guy circled on his lineup card beat him. Not a shot in hell.

  11. #107

    Default Re: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAlum10 View Post
    Ummm are you serious? It's called having faith and trusting in your pitcher. How about a slider just off the plate that may or may not be a ball for an unintentional-intentional Walk that the over-zealous COLLEGE ____ING HITTER may or may not swing at to make it a full count? We aren't talking MLB ALL-Star Astro sign stealing players here. We are talking college hitters that our pitcher has already proven he can strike out with authority.

    We are talking COMPLETE LACK OF FAITH IN YOUR TEAM AND CAVING IN, TO SAY THEY ARE BETTER THAN US, AND WALKING THEM. Talk about playing scared. I'm sorry. Man the ____ up and play baseball. Don't give the game away for free.

    In what baseball world do you live in where intentionally walking the bases loaded IN EXTRA INNINGS is a smart move? Mind you, we aren't talking about an open base here, we are talking about moving the runners over 90 feet and making it to where any possible miscue give them the lead. It's not like we were setting up a force out.

    Don't test me on my knowledge of the game. I don't have time for this.

    And look, I'll be the first to say I was and still am the biggest fan of Deggs taking and carrying on Robe's legacy into the future. And I truly believe that in the long run we will be fine, this season even. But that doesn't mean I give him a pass for stupid decisions that a little league
    So we walk the guy. And get the next batter out. The run scored on a ball that should of been blocked. If that happens we still playing....

  12. Default Re: Louisiana vs Sam Houston G1

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    There was a 23 win team in 2012 that got throttled by ULM 17-0 to end the season. I remember that being an apathetic season. The loses were just there and it started no to bother you. I think this team is bound for a similar if not worse fate.

    The most disappointing thing is that expectations are always high for Cajuns baseball so it really sucks to watch them struggle. Especially now since everyone wanted this to be a special season. Now we just need to find some positives to grasp to, but it’s hard with only 2 wins going into March.
    2012 was Deggs first season at UL

    We already know he can turn it around.

    Just don't hold your breath for this first year.

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