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Thread: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

  1. #37

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    Like Deggs said, 53 games left. Let's hope tomorrow s game dont get rained out. It ll be good to get back on track asap.
    Agreed, this team needs to PLAY. Too much time off, means more time to think. Just need to let their natural ability take over and think less right now.

  2. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by Rainman66 View Post
    Agreed, this team needs to PLAY. Too much time off, means more time to think. Just need to let their natural ability take over and think less right now.
    Well, they have a perfect week for that - a day off then two midweek games.

  3. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Like a lot of folks I jumped the gun and was overly critical of the teams play this weekend. After hearing Deggs press conference today I’m that much more excited about the remainder of the season. He really explains the situation and circumstances well. I’m optimistic that once these guys get that first win they will settle down and play some great baseball.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Wait...we're not going to OMAHA this year as promised by Deggs...then again Tony was promising the same thing for the last 20 years... WHAT A JOKE!!!!

  5. #41

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by Rougarou View Post
    I recommend watching Deggs from press he did today.
    Impressive! If l was a player for Coach Deggs, l would want to run through a wall for him. Masterful! I am very optimistic for our long-term future!

  6. #42

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Looked to me like the team played incredibly tight this weekend. I agree with Deggs that they were wanting to win way to much and they were trying to hard.

    I expect this team, like any Deggs team, to get past this. When they get back to playing fast, loose, and hard, we will see the magic that we expect. There were glimpses of grit. I think the pressure of the weekend just got to the team. I place no blame on the players for this. I have been in that exact same spot as a player many times. Its virtually impossible to be successful at baseball when you put that much pressure on yourself.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Hoping the game in Hammond gets played tonight ! Dont need a rain out.

  8. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    We all know what Matt Deggs system is capable of producing, but his historical first year "run" track record has not been something to write home about.

    In 2012 (Deggs first season as hitting coach) Louisiana had its worst run production since 1980. In his defense he came in late, February of 2012.

    Three seasons later ... Best run production in school history.

    In Deggs first year at Sam Houston State in 2015, they had their 2nd worst run production in 11-years. Missed being their worst by 2 runs.

    Three years later their run production had improved by 142 runs.

    Seems to be a little teardown before the rebuild.

    I know Matt Deggs system will produce! Im ready to give it a few years.

    ps willing to accept surprises.
    Although not welcome, the slow start should be expected.

    In 2012 (Deggs first year as a UL assistant) the batting average was .284
    In 2014 (Deggs 3rd year as a UL assistant) the batting average was .317

    In 2015 (Deggs first year as Sam Houston HC) the batting average was .284
    In 2017 (Deggs third year as Sam Houston HC) the batting average was .301

    Right now UL is batting .169

  9. #45

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    None of us have played baseball under the circumstances these guys just went through.
    So true story here... I'm playing Little League ball and our head coach dies from a heart attack early in the season. One of my friends dads takes over coaching duties and a month later he is dead from a heart attack as well. dad takes over the team for the last little bit of the season. I swore then if he got through the season I was done playing baseball. He did and my playing days were over.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    So true story here... I'm playing Little League ball and our head coach dies from a heart attack early in the season. One of my friends dads takes over coaching duties and a month later he is dead from a heart attack as well. dad takes over the team for the last little bit of the season. I swore then if he got through the season I was done playing baseball. He did and my playing days were over.
    That's pretty insane.

  11. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    So true story here... I'm playing Little League ball and our head coach dies from a heart attack early in the season. One of my friends dads takes over coaching duties and a month later he is dead from a heart attack as well. dad takes over the team for the last little bit of the season. I swore then if he got through the season I was done playing baseball. He did and my playing days were over.
    That's brutal. Had that happen at work, nobody wanted a promotion. Hired from outside, new hire was affectionately known as "One Foot" behind their back. Was blessed to take the job and later move on. Hire did not know the story or nickname until out the door.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Although not welcome, the slow start should be expected.

    In 2012 (Deggs first year as a UL assistant) the batting average was .284
    In 2014 (Deggs 3rd year as a UL assistant) the batting average was .317

    In 2015 (Deggs first year as Sam Houston HC) the batting average was .284
    In 2017 (Deggs third year as Sam Houston HC) the batting average was .301

    Right now UL is batting .169
    I would take .284 right now. No questions asked.

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