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Thread: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

  1. #13

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    We should expect steady improvement though...

  2. #14

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    For some reason i think we can hit even after the poor weekend we had. Deggs or no Deggs it takes a while for juco guys to adjust to D1 baseball. Add the pressure from the weekend. Add the crowd. Many have never played in front of this many people. Not an excuse...just saying. We should be ok.
    That was what I said.... alot of turnover. We will be OK.. it just takes time.

  3. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    Pressure is off the guys a little more going to be a work in progress though. Postseason is a pipe dream right now so just work and hope for a winning season.
    Just a question about‘pressure’? Do y’all submit that they had more pressure to produce than our CWS team that finished essentially in 3rd place? I’ll take the pressure excuse for a single game, but not the entire weekend.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Just a question about‘pressure’? Do y’all submit that they had more pressure to produce than our CWS team that finished essentially in 3rd place? I’ll take the pressure excuse for a single game, but not the entire weekend.
    I wouldn't agree that there was pressure. Just an emotional dump. If you were there Friday, you could see how tight they were. Heck they were bobbling ground balls and underthrowing the first baseman before the 1st inning started. It's a lot to overcome. Let's give them a couple of weeks before everyone jumps off the ship.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Just a question about'pressure'? Do y'all submit that they had more pressure to produce than our CWS team that finished essentially in 3rd place? I'll take the pressure excuse for a single game, but not the entire weekend.
    Preseason rank, Deggs telling the media he wants to go to the CWS its a lot for a new batch of kids .Not sure how good we will be but hopefully better than this weekend

  6. #18

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    This is going to be a rocky year. The offensive production will pick up (can't really get much worse). I am confident this team will be a force to be reckoned with late in the season and conference tournament time. We are looking at .500 record this season, IMO.

  7. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    You can literally take nothing away from this weekend, other than, we will be very good defensively and starting rotation has much higher upside than last year.

    Can not believe we’re already doing this crap...

  8. #20

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusedFan View Post
    Can you imagine the emotional roller coaster this team had to endure? They had to be mentally drained going into the first inning of the Friday night game. I think going on the road may help them out some and hopefully clear their mind and allow them to focus on baseball.
    That makes sense. I remember by the time they took the field Friday that it felt like so much had happened already and the game had not even started yet.

    To look on the obnoxiously optimistic side. Its good they have to deal with adversity early. Let it hopefully toughen them up to overcome it. I don't see Deggs losing this team's buy-in, especially with it being rough early.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Just a question about‘pressure’? Do y’all submit that they had more pressure to produce than our CWS team that finished essentially in 3rd place? I’ll take the pressure excuse for a single game, but not the entire weekend.
    I think overall this is an apples and oranges comparison. That CWS team indeed had more pressure to produce. But this was a team that was had overcome their drought already and was very confident. They were bonded as a team by that point. So the pressure, although more intense, did not effect them as much. Just my opinion.

    I don't know if our guys had as much pressure Friday night as they did Saturday afternoon and then even more on Sunday afternoon. Those slumps can build in a way that screws with you mentally.

    Friday, they were swinging at stuff they probably wouldn't normally swing at (fastballs way up in the zone) showing me that they were pressing. Trying too hard to get the big hit on the big night. Which is not good against a Friday night arm. They were letting the pitcher dictate the action instead of hunting.

  10. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    You can literally take nothing away from this weekend, other than, we will be very good defensively and starting rotation has much higher upside than last year.

    Can not believe we’re already doing this crap...
    Yes, I’m for the “turn the cheek” analysis and wait for more baseball. 5 games coming up gives plenty of opportunity.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Yes, I’m for the “turn the cheek” analysis and wait for more baseball. 5 games coming up gives plenty of opportunity.
    Exactly. Even if they end up stinking, what else can we do but support these guys and the program this year?

  12. Default Re: Don't expect a 1 year turn around in run production

    Quote Originally Posted by Rougarou View Post
    Exactly. Even if they end up stinking, what else can we do but support these guys and the program this year?

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