Full disclosure, I just exchanged messages with WestU, but I'm happy to state my opinion and fill people in on some things being discussed among folks behind the scenes.
My firm belief is that failure to promote and communicate within the Alumni Association (especially from local chapters, not including Houston and Atlanta - They do a tremendous job) is dramatically crippling our relationships with potential RCAF members, supporters going to events and attendance at home. I totally understand that need for funding. But I don't believe that our local chapters need to sit back and wait for demand in order to start "fund raising." Local chapters should be driving the bus (no pun intended) on these exact types of events. There is absolutely no funding necessary to start a social media campaign specifically geared toward BR, Biloxi, North Shore, NOLA chapters. No funding necessary to text, call, or email chapter members. It just takes a few individuals that give a damn. As I've discussed with others during the week of ULM, these things should be in the works weeks before! When the demand is successfully whipped up, the funding mechanism will take care of itself.
There should absolutely be a blitz of the mentioned chapters (or just fans in general) going on right now. And there's no reason at all that we can't get a vehicle stopping in the mentioned areas to pick up fans and get them to Mobile. Like it or not, this is where we are right now. It's time to stop talking and start DOING.
Biloxi is about an hour from the stadium, that's a little close for a bus, and I dont really know how many alums are on the coast, but all good points about BR or New Orleans busses
Just out of curiosity, how many of you are members of the Alumni Association?
I understand that I was curious if the people complaining actually give money to the Alumni Association. Or was this I will give money to RCAF when Farmer is fired, or Marlin, or Hud, or Lotief, or Dr. A is gone.
I do not give money to the Alumni Association. I do not find it to be a good investment for my money. That being said, I am not going to complain about what they do or don't do.
Honestly, I am starting to rethink where all of my investments go as far a UL Athletics goes. There will be a day when I am down to one sport and they may be sooner rather than later.
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