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Thread: 2020 Kicker

  1. #61

    Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Is Paulette any good? Or is he intentionally being redshirted?

  2. #62

    Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post

    In a statement to the court, Septien's lawyers, Jay Ethington and Gerald Banks, said two separate, official polygraph tests indicated Septien was innocent of the charges. "I passed two lie detectors from the best in the business," Septien said. "I mean, that's something, okay?"
    Yeah! But the mother could kick!!!

  3. #63

    Default Re: Kicker 2020

    We have the kicker from STM that Hud recruited on campus. He is in the ROTC I wonder if he can still kick

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    Is Paulette any good? Or is he intentionally being redshirted?
    Wondered same thing. Tall kid. Still on roster

  5. #65

    Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Bring back Gabe Pontiff!!!

  6. Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by mxpxfr690 View Post
    Bring back Gabe Pontiff!!!
    ........Think I know a lot/little about the kicking deal..... me or them situation arises and the slick one can add to the "them" much is and should be attributed to the kicker with a successful or not try......timming, plant, draw back, aim, swing, and follow the "them" snap speed, snap height, snap direction, holder catch, holder placement, holder pressure on ball.....add to this field condition, wind direction, and wind speed in what direction......also the feel or condition of the leg (possible fatigue) and the zip put into the swing....the mental pressure certainly must be factored in as an in game kick varies much differently from a practice go through.....not defending performance but not blaming totally on the kickers.....% has at some point enter the discussion!

  7. Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ........Think I know a lot/little about the kicking deal..... me or them situation arises and the slick one can add to the "them" much is and should be attributed to the kicker with a successful or not try......timming, plant, draw back, aim, swing, and follow the "them" snap speed, snap height, snap direction, holder catch, holder placement, holder pressure on ball.....add to this field condition, wind direction, and wind speed in what direction......also the feel or condition of the leg (possible fatigue) and the zip put into the swing....the mental pressure certainly must be factored in as an in game kick varies much differently from a practice go through.....not defending performance but not blaming totally on the kickers.....% has at some point enter the discussion!
    Nobody kneauxs kicking like Boomer neauxs kicking.

    ps Your RP style if writing was perfect for that post.

  8. Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ........Think I know a lot/little about the kicking deal..... me or them situation arises and the slick one can add to the "them" much is and should be attributed to the kicker with a successful or not try......timming, plant, draw back, aim, swing, and follow the "them" snap speed, snap height, snap direction, holder catch, holder placement, holder pressure on ball.....add to this field condition, wind direction, and wind speed in what direction......also the feel or condition of the leg (possible fatigue) and the zip put into the swing....the mental pressure certainly must be factored in as an in game kick varies much differently from a practice go through.....not defending performance but not blaming totally on the kickers.....% has at some point enter the discussion!
    If any kicker reads this, they would never make another FG. Thank god they don’t know all of this is going on.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ........Think I know a lot/little about the kicking deal..... me or them situation arises and the slick one can add to the "them" much is and should be attributed to the kicker with a successful or not try......timming, plant, draw back, aim, swing, and follow the "them" snap speed, snap height, snap direction, holder catch, holder placement, holder pressure on ball.....add to this field condition, wind direction, and wind speed in what direction......also the feel or condition of the leg (possible fatigue) and the zip put into the swing....the mental pressure certainly must be factored in as an in game kick varies much differently from a practice go through.....not defending performance but not blaming totally on the kickers.....% has at some point enter the discussion!
    Isn’t the mental aspect the biggest deal at this stage. Seems to me like the kickers are letting the pressure get to them on field goals. That may be more difficult to overcome than physical errors

  10. Default Re: Kicker 2020

    The reason that field goal was blocked was a low trajectory. What caused that? Not for me to answer, but I wasn’t surprised that it happened.

    When we had great kickers, we were surprised when they failed makable field goals. Didn’t worry about snapper, holder, damp field, humidity, leg fatigue ( however that happens)!

  11. Default Re: Kicker 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Isn’t the mental aspect the biggest deal at this stage. Seems to me like the kickers are letting the pressure get to them on field goals. That may be more difficult to overcome than physical errors
    If I remember correctly, that was Wade Ritchy's downfall...the mental aspect.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Kicker 2020

    The kicker from Teurlings is supposed to be the best prospect in the area correct? I wonder if he's a target.

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