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Thread: UL Basketball Coach ... NEXT

  1. #97

    Default Re: UL Basketball Coach ... NEXT

    Quote Originally Posted by dms4720 View Post
    _ Now, I do think we need a new basketball coach no matter how this night and season turns out, but I also thought (still do) that Bustle needed to go. My questions is, does Robert Lee have an argument to stay since we decided to extend the contract of Ricky Bustle, even though he didn't produce like all of us wanted him to.

    Doesn't it seem plausible that he could say "hey, why does this man get an extension when he doesn't perform, yet I am not retained when my performance was comparable to his?"

    Just a thought I had _
    I wouldn't be surprised if Lee played the race card if he was fired. We seem to have endless patience for Bustle.

  2. #98

    Default Re: UL Basketball Coach ... NEXT

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    _ I wouldn't be surprised if Lee played the race card if he was fired. We seem to have endless patience for Bustle. _
    Clueless much?

  3. #99
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: UL Basketball Coach ... NEXT

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    _ I wouldn't be surprised if Lee played the race card if he was fired. We seem to have endless patience for Bustle. _
    Cluelessness: Confirmed

    Lee was not fired. He just was not re-signed.

  4. #100

    Default Re: UL Basketball Coach ... NEXT

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    _ I wouldn't be surprised if Lee played the race card if he was fired. We seem to have endless patience for Bustle. _
    IMO Robert Lee is a class act.

    Not saying it wasn't time for him to go or whatever based upon lack of performance of the program, but I don't see him going there.

  5. #101

    Default Re: Let the Next Coach DEBATE begin!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by basketballjone View Post
    _ They dont know all the high shcool coaches from the area like me and all the AAU coaches from the state.... not saying whoever they hire needs me, but it would be a win for the program, i we havent been getting that many wins lately!!!!

    Plus the people I know in the community is a major plus....

    JUST WIN BABY!!! _

    You seem to always stress AAU basketball. Can you tell me what organization you are affilited with. In the past I have seen you quote names of kids and I was wondering how and when they played for you? Where you the head coach or an assistant/practice coach. Where you affiliated with any of the current Cajun Players when they were playing AAU?

    Coaching AAU and Knowing the people to talk to is small in the recruiting process. Most AAu coaches will find whoever the new coach is if they have a player to bring to thier attention. All they have to do is go to one of the LIVE AAU major tournaments and they will know all the AAU coaches in the Area or better yet contact Roch or James Rix and you have all the contacts you need.

    Maybe if you want to go back and get your grad degree they could use a grad assistant but even in the hiring of assistants I think we need quality. The current and future Cajun players and the Cajun community deserve the best. Now we know that the bottom line with getting the best is $$$$$$$$ so lets be real it going to come down to the best for the price and I hope we negotiate REAL HARD...

  6. #102

    Default Re: Hire Tim Floyd TODAY

    ummmm, no dice.....he's the next coach in waiting for the Hornets.. He's actually their coach now. Ever watch them on a time out? The interim AKA GM knows nothing about x's and o's.

  7. #103

    Default Re: Hire Tim Floyd TODAY

    May 13, 2009|Lance Pugmire
    USC basketball Coach Tim Floyd delivered cash to the man who steered O.J. Mayo to the university, according to a former associate of the player and the middleman.

    That associate, Louis Johnson, says Floyd met Rodney Guillory outside a stretch of Beverly Hills cafes on Valentine's Day in 2007, giving him at least $1,000 cash in an envelope -- which Johnson has since reported to investigators from the U.S. Attorney's Office, FBI, IRS and the NCAA.

  8. #104


    floyd has already had his run with the Hornets. He will not be hired back

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunDawgPound View Post
    ummmm, no dice.....he's the next coach in waiting for the Hornets.. He's actually their coach now. Ever watch them on a time out? The interim AKA GM knows nothing about x's and o's.

  9. #105

    Default Re: Hire Tim Floyd TODAY

    We need Tim Floyd and his long history of NCAA missteps like we need a hole in the head. I'd really hope we're looking elsewhere.

  10. #106

    Default Re: Hire Tim Floyd TODAY

    What long history ofNCAA missteps? Enumerate....

  11. #107

    Default Re: Hire Tim Floyd TODAY

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ Think of the hire as a "PLANNED" Glynn Cyprien hire. Don't wait for the NCAA to rule.

    You hire Tim TODAY on the condition that IF he is found negligent by the NCAA he vacates the job immediately and owes UL $200,000

    Worst case scenario here is what UL will get.

  12. Recruits out the wazoo. I mean he was able to snag Ryan Francis a PG when he had already gotten commitments from 3 other point guards in the same class. And he was able to keep all four on signing day. That is a recruiter.

  13. UL is back on the map basketball wise. National exposure good bad or ugly the only person you want to notice is the next coach who says to himself "That school was good enough for Tim Floyd, it's good enough for me."

  14. Your next coach is prepaid.

    Best case scenario here is what UL will get.

  15. A great coach for a couple years that will bring great players into the program.

  16. Multiple NCAA appearances and a new fine foundation for the program.

  17. A huge buyout from whoever hires him away from UL.


    ps I am only half in jest _
  18. I am not in jest in the slightest: I would take another year of Robert Lee before I would even interview Tim Floyd to be employed here and I am not even remotely in favor of bringing Robert back as head coach.
    Be patient. We have a better option than any of the names that have been mentioned thus far after he finishes in the NCAA tournament.

  19. #108

    Default Re: Let the Next Coach DEBATE begin!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ Quinn Snyder ran into some trouble at Mizzou and to the best of my knowledge, hasn't coached since. No thanks...Not to mention he's a Dukie. Yuk _


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