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  1. #277

    Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

  2. #278

    Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Welcome to the board Mr. Evans and thanks for your continued support of Cajun Athletics.

  3. #279

    Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by FORMERCajinHS View Post
    _ First thing first, you are totally wrong about what you keep posting, please get the facts, its one thing to dislike someone, but another thing to lie on someone. Univerity of San Fransisco hired a new A.D and she wanted to go in another direction, she flasified claims and alleghations against Jessie Evans and made him take a leave of absent, please know what the hell you are talking about. Robert was a poor decision for USL in the 1st place, he was half witted assistant coach from Opelousas,LA, he never made the top28 playoffs in his 3 years as head coach, so how in the world was he going to coach USL into the NCAA. He won with JESSIE EVANS players, Robert Lee created his own problems, stop blaming Jessie, maybe you guys dont want him back, thats fine, but stop butchering the man's character as if he was all bad, when he was winning you all was on the band wagon. You all are all still bitter because he left unexpectantly. Thats life, and now you happy you get a chance to finally bash him, if he was at another university, winning, and wanted to come back, you all would be swinging on his you know what! Begging him to come back and take over and do what you did years ago. You are are so wrong on so many levels its pathetic. Maybe Jessie Evans isnt the right hire now today, but he is a helluva lot better than Robert Lee, Jessie should have fired his AZZ when he got the job the first time, he kept the man gave him an opportunity, and look what happen, Robert wouldnt even defend him, he acts as if Jessie owed his something. If I was Jessie I wouldnt want to come back to such a backstabbing area way of life. The man was successful, he won, he got into the NCAA tourney. Now you guys remember Butch Pierrie, many years ago, he left, he tried to steal USL best players, and was to never be hired by USL, and now all of a sudden he the best man for the job. You seem to have forgiven him, why not Jessie? Look I am a alumni, I hate saying that on this board, because its embarressing to display such ignorance and unforgiveness about a man, who had success, he won, he put people in the seats, he recruited good talent. Who says he recruited thugs, well lets just say this, Robert Lee, was on the staff, he recruited Robert Jupiter,Blaine Harmon, Robert Jones,and hoist of others,Jessie took them of the strength of his assistants, and now you want to blame Jessie for the APR, that was left behind, where was Robert Lee? Bobby Champagne, Paul Johnson, and all of the other assistants that came in. This is a joke, he should at least be given an interview, and if the current adminstration doesnt want him so be it, but not for us to judge the man, and write wrong truths about him on here, because we cant admit we are still bitter at one of the best and winningnest head coaches left before the winning got real good, and it made us mad as hell! _
    We question some of the moves Jessie made while here and the consequences to the program and you complain that we are ignorant and unforgiving. Yet in the next breath you state that Robert Lee "was half witted assistant coach". Talk about displaying "such ignorance and unforgiveness about a man".

    "Look I am a alumni, I hate saying that on this board..." After reading your posts with its twisted logic and horrendous grammar I hate to see you say that too.

  4. #280

    Default Re: Whose gonna Be the NEW Coach for the Cajuns?

    Quote Originally Posted by FORMERCajinHS View Post
    _ First thing first, you are totally false about you are talking about, get the facts, its one thing to dislaike someone, but another thing to lie on someone. San Fransisco hired a new A.D and she wanted to go in another direction, she flasified claims and alleghations against Jessie Evans and made him take a leave of absent, now he is sueing Univ.of San Fransisco, please know the hell you are talking about. Robert was a poor decision for USL in the 1st place, he was half witted assistant coach from Opelousas,LA, he never made the top28 playoffs in his 3 years as head coach, so how in the world was he going to coach USL in the NCAA. He won with JESSIE EVANS players, Roberlt Lee created his own problems, stop blaming Jessie, maybe you guys dont want him abck, thats fine, but stop butchering his character as if he was all bad, when he was winning you all was on the band wagon. You all are all still bitter because he left unexpectantly. Thats life, and now you happy you get a chance to finally bash him, if he was at another university winning, and wanted to come back, you all would be swinging on his you know what! Begging him to come back and take over and did what you did years ago. You are are so wrong on so many levels its pathetic. Maybe Jessie Evans isnt the right hire now today, but he is a helluva lot better than Robert Lee, Jessie should have fired his AZZ when hr got the job the first time, he kept the man gave him an opportunity, and look what happen, Robert wouldnt even defend him, he acts as if Jessie owed his something. If I was Jessie I wouldnt want to come back to such a backstabbing area way of life. The man was successful, he won, he got into the NCAA tourney. Now you guys remember Butch Pierrie, many years ago, he left, he tried to steal USL best players, and was to never be hired by USL, and now all of a sudden he the best man for the job. You seem to have forgiven him, why not Jessie? Look I am a alumni, I hate saying that on this board, because its embarressing to display such ignorance and unforgiveness about a man, who had success, he won, he put people in the seats, he recruited good talent. Who says he recruited thugs, well lets just say this, Robert Lee, was on the staff, he recruited Robert Jupiter,Blaine Harmon, Robert Jones,and hoist of others,Jessie took them of the strength of his assistants, and now you want to blame Jessie for the APR, that was left behind, where was Robert Lee? Bobby Champagne, Paul Johnson, and all of the other assistants that came in. This is a joke, he should at least be given an interview, and if the current adminstration doesnt want him so be it, but not for us to judge the man, and write wrong truths about him on here, because we cant admit we are still bitter at one of the best and winningnest head coaches left before the winning got real good, and it made us mad as hell! _
    In order for us to do that you would have to let go of it first.

    Get over the man-crush on Jessie. Yes, he did bring us some wins and NCAA appearances. But along with it he brought us some questionable recruits. He brought in some good players as well as some troubled players. And it seemed to be a regular occurrence to start the season with one or two key players ineligible at the beginning of the season. Admittedly some of them were due to being transfers and having to sit until January but probably just as many were due to academic issues. He moved on to what he thought was a better position for himself. I don't hold that against him. It was time; just as it was time for Coach Lee to move on. Coach Lee did some good things for the program. Unfortunately most of that was off the court. We have a much better pool of candidates this time around. Jessie is not, should not and will not be in the mix. There are some facts for you.

  5. #281

    Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by FORMERCajinHS View Post
    _ First thing first, you are totally wrong about what you keep posting, please get the facts, its one thing to dislike someone, but another thing to lie on someone. Univerity of San Fransisco hired a new A.D and she wanted to go in another direction, she flasified claims and alleghations against Jessie Evans and made him take a leave of absent, please know what the hell you are talking about. Robert was a poor decision for USL in the 1st place, he was half witted assistant coach from Opelousas,LA, he never made the top28 playoffs in his 3 years as head coach, so how in the world was he going to coach USL into the NCAA. He won with JESSIE EVANS players, Robert Lee created his own problems, stop blaming Jessie, maybe you guys dont want him back, thats fine, but stop butchering the man's character as if he was all bad, when he was winning you all was on the band wagon. You all are all still bitter because he left unexpectantly. Thats life, and now you happy you get a chance to finally bash him, if he was at another university, winning, and wanted to come back, you all would be swinging on his you know what! Begging him to come back and take over and do what you did years ago. You are are so wrong on so many levels its pathetic. Maybe Jessie Evans isnt the right hire now today, but he is a helluva lot better than Robert Lee, Jessie should have fired his AZZ when he got the job the first time, he kept the man gave him an opportunity, and look what happen, Robert wouldnt even defend him, he acts as if Jessie owed his something. If I was Jessie I wouldnt want to come back to such a backstabbing area way of life. The man was successful, he won, he got into the NCAA tourney. Now you guys remember Butch Pierrie, many years ago, he left, he tried to steal USL best players, and was to never be hired by USL, and now all of a sudden he the best man for the job. You seem to have forgiven him, why not Jessie? Look I am a alumni, I hate saying that on this board, because its embarressing to display such ignorance and unforgiveness about a man, who had success, he won, he put people in the seats, he recruited good talent. Who says he recruited thugs, well lets just say this, Robert Lee, was on the staff, he recruited Robert Jupiter,Blaine Harmon, Robert Jones,and hoist of others,Jessie took them of the strength of his assistants, and now you want to blame Jessie for the APR, that was left behind, where was Robert Lee? Bobby Champagne, Paul Johnson, and all of the other assistants that came in. This is a joke, he should at least be given an interview, and if the current adminstration doesnt want him so be it, but not for us to judge the man, and write wrong truths about him on here, because we cant admit we are still bitter at one of the best and winningnest head coaches left before the winning got real good, and it made us mad as hell! _
    Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  6. #282

    Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ We question some of the moves Jessie made while here and the consequences to the program and you complain that we are ignorant and unforgiving. Yet in the next breath you state that Robert Lee "was half witted assistant coach". Talk about displaying "such ignorance and unforgiveness about a man".

    "Look I am a alumni, I hate saying that on this board..." After reading your posts with its twisted logic and horrendous grammar I hate to see you say that too. _
    Based on the grammar, my immediate thought was that he MUST be one of JESSIE'S recruits. HA, thanks fella for helping solidify the case against Jessie.

    Dude, we are MISSING more banners than we actually have hanging in the dome. Nobody wants him back.

  7. #283

    Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by FORMERCajinHS View Post
    _ First thing first, you are totally wrong about what you keep posting, please get the facts, its one thing to dislike someone, but another thing to lie on someone. Univerity of San Fransisco hired a new A.D and she wanted to go in another direction, she flasified claims and alleghations against Jessie Evans and made him take a leave of absent, please know what the hell you are talking about. Robert was a poor decision for USL in the 1st place, he was half witted assistant coach from Opelousas,LA, he never made the top28 playoffs in his 3 years as head coach, so how in the world was he going to coach USL into the NCAA. He won with JESSIE EVANS players, Robert Lee created his own problems, stop blaming Jessie, maybe you guys dont want him back, thats fine, but stop butchering the man's character as if he was all bad, when he was winning you all was on the band wagon. You all are all still bitter because he left unexpectantly. Thats life, and now you happy you get a chance to finally bash him, if he was at another university, winning, and wanted to come back, you all would be swinging on his you know what! Begging him to come back and take over and do what you did years ago. You are are so wrong on so many levels its pathetic. Maybe Jessie Evans isnt the right hire now today, but he is a helluva lot better than Robert Lee, Jessie should have fired his AZZ when he got the job the first time, he kept the man gave him an opportunity, and look what happen, Robert wouldnt even defend him, he acts as if Jessie owed his something. If I was Jessie I wouldnt want to come back to such a backstabbing area way of life. The man was successful, he won, he got into the NCAA tourney. Now you guys remember Butch Pierrie, many years ago, he left, he tried to steal USL best players, and was to never be hired by USL, and now all of a sudden he the best man for the job. You seem to have forgiven him, why not Jessie? Look I am a alumni, I hate saying that on this board, because its embarressing to display such ignorance and unforgiveness about a man, who had success, he won, he put people in the seats, he recruited good talent. Who says he recruited thugs, well lets just say this, Robert Lee, was on the staff, he recruited Robert Jupiter,Blaine Harmon, Robert Jones,and hoist of others,Jessie took them of the strength of his assistants, and now you want to blame Jessie for the APR, that was left behind, where was Robert Lee? Bobby Champagne, Paul Johnson, and all of the other assistants that came in. This is a joke, he should at least be given an interview, and if the current adminstration doesnt want him so be it, but not for us to judge the man, and write wrong truths about him on here, because we cant admit we are still bitter at one of the best and winningnest head coaches left before the winning got real good, and it made us mad as hell! _

    You have to be kidding me right? First, Jesse requested time off from the program giving them no timetable and no reason as to be leaving but wanted it with pay. After weeks of being away from his team, the AD fired Jesse and he sued because he wanted to get paid the remainder of his contract. They fought that in the courts. The new A.D. had been in place for some time before all of this happened. I don't know why you dispute this as it has been made fact by both sides. Jesse NEVER denied taking the leave, he just had an issue about the firing and not getting the remainder of his money. I own businesses. If I had an employee take off with no reason or notification of when they would return, I'd do the same thing. You are quite clueless. It's even worse since you constantly defend a man for which you simply sat in his office one day and spoke to. Here's a quarter.....Go buy a clue..

  8. Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ You have to be kidding me right? First, Jesse requested time off from the program giving them no timetable and no reason as to be leaving but wanted it with pay. After weeks of being away from his team, the AD fired Jesse and he sued because he wanted to get paid the remainder of his contract. They fought that in the courts. The new A.D. had been in place for some time before all of this happened. I don't know why you dispute this as it has been made fact by both sides. Jesse NEVER denied taking the leave, he just had an issue about the firing and not getting the remainder of his money. I own businesses. If I had an employee take off with no reason or notification of when they would return, I'd do the same thing. You are quite clueless. It's even worse since you constantly defend a man for which you simply sat in his office one day and spoke to. Here's a quarter.....Go buy a clue.. _
    And you own a business, wow, I didnt know they allow morons to own businesses, you need to stop reading the news papers so much, and follow facts, maybe thats reason if you own a business it cant be too successful, you are on here hating a man you dont know, at least I know him and I want to defend his character. You are fighting as if he did something to you and your family, that is what makes this so unbelievable with you people. Its so personal,the facts are: he won, he did graduate players, maybe not as many as Robert Lee, but the APR thing didnt come out until 2003-04 season, Robert did some nice things, but as you have stated off the court, and remember that dont keep money in your pockets, Business man, if you run it right. At the end of the day, its about winning, look at Iowa, UNC Charlotte,Toledo, man them guys couldnt win, but they were great hires many years ago, and great people, but got fired because of what, Mr. Business man,see you have a personal attack against Jessie, which means your business cant be ran off personal attacks against your customers. Jessie was asked to take a leave of absents, he was then relieved of his coaches duties, and then he came the lawsuit, in which he will probably win. (They havent fought in the courts yet). The A.D is new had been there for only 1/2 the year, so please know your facts, I am sorry for calling you a Moron, but you silly people on here take this so personal, and you have me taking it personal, If I were Jessie I wouldnt want to come back to USL, because of all the silliness that has been written about me that is so wrong, but I guess as head coach, you have to have thick skin. I said myself, there are some good hires out there, maybe better than Jessie, but I just say stop putting up false info, and trying to butcher the mans charater. Have a good day.

  9. Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    _ Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. _
    Thank you, and for all your intelligent, and ever so smart remarks, I dont know what I was thinking, you are so brilliant and wonderfully bright, maybe they should hire you!

  10. #286

    Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by FORMERCajinHS View Post
    _ Thank you, and for all your intelligent, and ever so smart remarks, I dont know what I was thinking, you are so brilliant and wonderfully bright, maybe they should hire you! _
    1. Paragraphs, use them
    2. Sentences, make them
    3. Dictionaries are freely available online
    4. When people quote movies in response to a rambling, incoherent post, they are being dimissive. Take the hint.

  11. Default Re: Stop Bashing Coaches!!!! UL will make a great hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by jumboragncajun View Post
    _ Based on the grammar, my immediate thought was that he MUST be one of JESSIE'S recruits. HA, thanks fella for helping solidify the case against Jessie.

    Dude, we are MISSING more banners than we actually have hanging in the dome. Nobody wants him back. _
    I am alumni also, you are all haters, and it is errelavant now, so I WILL keep my thoughts to myself, I cant believe I am argueing pointless points to morons and haters, and people who just dislike others for no apparent reason. In about 3-5 years you same idiots will posting horrible thinsg about the new coach, and wish you would have gone in another direction, I can see it now, because, its not who gets hired, you people arent happy with yourselves, so they could hire John Calipari, and you would fine fault, they could hire God and you haters would find fault, enjoy yourselves you unhappy thoughtless people. HAVE A GREAT VACATION, AND I hope USL gets back to winning.

  12. Default Re: Let the Next Coach DEBATE begin!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by leeman View Post
    _ Is Ricky Broussard Danny's brother?... where is Ricky now?... _
    He is a pro recruiter----well he recruits for State Farm Insurance!!!!

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