For the 256th Infantry Brigade, Camp Shelby has been a place for intense training over the past few months, but Friday for "Tiger Day" it was a place for family, friends and fun.

The formal deployment ceremony began with all the pomp and circumstance of military tradition. Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu inspected the troops in a Troop the Line, to be sure members of the 256th are ready for their mission. The national anthem concluded with a flyover, it's all time-honored pageantry that brought Carolyn Darbonne, of Opelousas and her daughter to tears.

"It's a really great feeling, because we see them March, they give us flags, it just makes me so proud," Darbonne said.

Once all 3,500 troops, including Darbonne's grandson, did a Pass in Review before military commanders, Darbonne and her daughter, Christina Guidroz were able to reunite with their grandson and son, Spc. Daniel Pitre.

"I'm very proud of him," said Guidroz.

Friday was the first chance Guidroz had to see her son since he left for Camp Shelby back in January. Pitre just turned 18 last Sunday and could leave for Iraq in a matter of days. But first he will be enjoying a short 3-day leave home with his family and friends in St. Landry Parish.

Members of the 256th will start deploying in waves over the coming days and weeks.

Jim Hummel

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