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Thread: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

  1. #97

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    There are facts, and then there are "Alternative Facts". Fact: The admin did their work. Alternative Fact: Admin didn't do their work, because her friends aren't happy.

  2. #98

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    On face book page it has Sports Editor at the Vermilion.

    Instead of writing a negative article about your (our) football team/tailgating experience, why not write about the positives that have been done for the students?

    Geaux Cajuns!!

  3. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Rock View Post
    On face book page it has Sports Editor at the Vermilion.

    Instead of writing a negative article about your (our) football team/tailgating experience, why not write about the positives that have been done for the students?

    Geaux Cajuns!!
    We went through this with Nick Fontenot.

    It's the clickbait mentality, and it certainly worked for Editor Smith.

  4. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    We went through this with Nick Fontenot.

    It's the clickbait mentality, and it certainly worked for Editor Smith.
    If you like carp soup.

  5. #101

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    If you like carp soup.
    Is that like Gar Sauce Piquante?

    I love that.

  6. #102

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    What was that complaint the students had about the PoA's music?? I think this is more in response to the Texas Southern “Ocean of Soul,” but here ya go!!

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  7. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by barisaxman View Post
    What was that complaint the students had about the PoA's music?? I think this is more in response to the Texas Southern “Ocean of Soul,” but here ya go!!
    Lesson learned after Southern Band planted a flag at Cajun Field. POA had just wrapped up the Dionne Warwick tribute...

  8. #104

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunGrad16 View Post
    Her group of friends is what she means by a certain demographic.
    Uhh, may need to rethink that one. She was talking about the demographic who must have received the survey which was not her group of friends.

  9. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    On a distantly related note, Southpark has been renewed thru 2022. Let the triggering begin.

  10. #106

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Over the last several years, The Vermilion has turned into absolute garbage with absolutely no journalistic integrity by writers and editors.

    Check out this article:

    Here are several excerpts (in italics) from the article:

    "According to anonymous sources, the University of Louisiana atLafayette has a secret committee for its new school mascot. The student, who wished to remain anonymous, said he overheard from someone that the university was searching for a new mascot and the all of the members on committee signed NDAs."

    The article is based off of an anonymous source who overheard someone else (also anonymous). What type of editor would allow an article be published based off of hearsay from an anonymous source? Later in the article, a second anonymous source is quoted:

    "Another student who wished to remain anonymous said she heard about the secret committee from Amy Windsor, social media strategist for UL Lafayette."

    ...and last but not least, a quote from an anonymous source who can't remember where she heard something:

    The anonymous student did say three ideas for the new mascot were mentioned with the committee: "I can't remember where I heard this but the top-three they were considering were a bulldog, a pelican and a gator," she said.

    So apparently at The Vermilion you can write whatever you want and quote multiple anonymous sources to back your claims.

  11. #107

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Glad to see some push back from recent alum and former athletes challenging the student body

  12. #108

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatestStory View Post
    Over the last several years, The Vermilion has turned into absolute garbage with absolutely no journalistic integrity by writers and editors.
    It goes way beyond the Vermilion. Once everyone gained the ability to reach millions by simple possession of a keyboard and an internet connection the whole concept of journalism was turned on its head.

    There have been a number of lawsuits through the years regarding what constitutes a "journalist" and who is afforded the protections of "freedom of the press".

    It is a shat show these days. I'm not sure how you correct it but it is a common problem with people not understanding the difference in the ability to publish your personal opinions on social media with writing a journalistic piece for a publication as fact.

    The editor in chief could have easily handled this by stating that the article was the opinion of the writer and then apologized for not clearly defining it as an opinion piece because that is obviously what it was.

    fyi.....Student publications at UL are independent of the academia. There is legal precedent for this and the administrations hands are tied to a large extent. However with that said there are a lot of things that could be done to improve things that I believe would be welcomed by all sides but someone needs to start those talks and it has never happened to my knowleged.

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