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Thread: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

  1. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Three quotes no references does not a consensus make.
    Exactly.....I was told by someone who spoke to numerous students on Saturday that they loved tailgating at the new spot and had a great time. I've got the feeling that the article was poorly written and poorly researched......or maybe she just has some personal axe to grind.

  2. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Miss Smith, ignoring the fact that your article was poorly written, it's completely untrue. Had you done your due diligence, you'd have known that ample research, surveys and focus groups were done for this very reason. I know you couldn't wait to get back to your instaFace account to take pictures of yourself, or maybe it was to chase the PokeMan around in on coming traffic, but next time, before turning in this 3rd grade book report to your jackass editor, try getting the facts right.

    "Without any consideration or input from students, the tailgate location was moved for the 2019 season. The Ragin' Cajun Athletics department decided it would encourage their student attendance numbers by moving tailgate back to Cajun Field on the southside concourse of the stadium, making it somewhat inevitable for students to go in the game. The decision was made solely by people that are not students, but seem to feel inclined to know exactly what students want."

    Pure nonsense.
    For context, this is what we’re dealing with...

    Maybe Miss Smith needs to learn the history of this great university and community before she continues with her ignorance. But again, judging by how poorly researched the article was, I doubt it will ever happen. Selfie time!!
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  3. #15

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    And here we go.....gee, I wonder what she is inferring?

  4. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Miss Smith, ignoring the fact that your article was poorly written, it's completely untrue. Had you done your due diligence, you'd have known that ample research, surveys and focus groups were done for this very reason. I know you couldn't wait to get back to your instaFace account to take pictures of yourself, or maybe it was to chase the PokeMan around in on coming traffic, but next time, before turning in this 3rd grade book report to your jackass editor, try getting the facts right.

    "Without any consideration or input from students, the tailgate location was moved for the 2019 season. The Ragin’ Cajun Athletics department decided it would encourage their student attendance numbers by moving tailgate back to Cajun Field on the southside concourse of the stadium, making it somewhat inevitable for students to go in the game. The decision was made solely by people that are not students, but seem to feel inclined to know exactly what students want."

    Pure nonsense.
    The students wanted to move the tailgate spot back to the stadium. That’s one of the reasons they weren’t atttending lol

  5. #17

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    In the article she quoted a number of students. I'm just trying to figure out what these kids need in order to go to a football game and enjoy it? They are saying all kinds of stuff like its not interactive enough, the band doesn't play student friendly songs and its "too family friendly". Why would the university cater to the student when 25 of them show up every game. This is a quote from one of the students in the article:

    “The music is boring and everything is catered to families (even though we have family day) instead of us college students. Needs to be more interactive to hold our attention.”

    Apparently they want to do keg stands after every score and have X-box's set up so they can play games while the football game is going on or something that entertains them outside of the actual game itself. When I go, I go to see the game and I always have even when I was a student.

  6. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Someone from the SGA or any of the focus group surveyed needs to defend the decision. Publicly. Better yet, someone that knows Miss Smith needs to get her to come onto RP so that we can have a conversation. If she wrote that piece with conviction, there should be no problem with that.

    This is a personal hit job. I know for a fact that countless hours were spent concerning this situation, so Miss Smith needs to be held to account for her position.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Someone from the SGA or any of the focus group surveyed needs to defend the decision. Publicly. Better yet, someone that knows Miss Smith needs to get her to come onto RP so that we can have a conversation. If she wrote that piece with conviction, there should be no problem with that.

    This is a personal hit job. I know for a fact that countless hours were spent concerning this situation, so Miss Smith needs to be held to account for her position.
    She's active on Twitter obviously. Go to her page and invite her.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    I’ve been saying for something similar to basketball 3-point shot for cash...have a challenge at the end of each quarter with a rolling pot....

  9. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    In the article she quoted a number of students. I'm just trying to figure out what these kids need in order to go to a football game and enjoy it? They are saying all kinds of stuff like its not interactive enough, the band doesn't play student friendly songs and its "too family friendly". AKA - Not enough cursing or violence or filth to get their fix. Why would the university cater to the student when 25 of them show up every game. This is a quote from one of the students in the article:

    “The music is boring and everything is catered to families (even though we have family day) instead of us college students. Needs to be more interactive to hold our attention.” AKA - The band doesn't play hip hop or whatever today's garbage music is called now.

    Apparently they want to do keg stands after every score and have X-box's set up so they can play games while the football game is going on or something that entertains them outside of the actual game itself. When I go, I go to see the game and I always have even when I was a student.

    Notice, not a single opposing view in the entire article. Couldn't find a single person that did like the new (old) set up. Her interviews are probably her leaning over to her annoying ___ friends and asking their opinion. It's a hit job. She and her friends didn't have a great time, so she decided to write about it. That's it.

  10. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    She's active on Twitter obviously. Go to her page and invite her.
    I got off of twitter a while back. Someone invite her. I'll behave, I swear.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Personally I think the only students that we need to speak to are the Fraternities and sororities. The rest of the student body will follow because these groups will have the best set ups (loudest music, grills, drinks, ETC) with the most people.

  12. Default Re: Growing Pains: Student Tailgating

    Quote Originally Posted by mgv6260 View Post
    Personally I think the only students that we need to speak to are the Fraternities and sororities. The rest of the student body will follow because these groups will have the best set ups (loudest music, grills, drinks, ETC) with the most people.
    Dude, greek life is garbage compared to what it used to be. In theory, I agree. But in reality, it's just not the same anymore.

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