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Thread: End of Ragin Cajun Army. NOT!

  1. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by IndiaPaleAle View Post
    Matt, don't you dare give up on this. Keep busting your butt and grinding so they CAN'T deny you credentials in the future. You have a product that people want. That's a testament to your work and the product that you've been delivering these last few months. Keep fighting and keep working, and you'll get where you want to go.
    This ☝🏼

  2. #14

    Default Re: End of Ragin Cajun Army

    Alright, you guys are right. Screw ALF. I’m gonna do it anyway. I’ve always been about doing what my listeners want. So I’ll bring it back. But I need your help. I need to promote this baby as much as I can so that they’re forced to recognize me as a legitimate member of the media. So share it on Facebook, Twitter, whatever else and let’s get this thing blown up!

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by IndiaPaleAle View Post
    Matt, don't you dare give up on this. Keep busting your butt and grinding so they CAN'T deny you credentials in the future. You have a product that people want. That's a testament to your work and the product that you've been delivering these last few months. Keep fighting and keep working, and you'll get where you want to go.
    ALF is hiding behind their “policy” on web-based content, Ian. It’s a joke.

    For an administration that loves to talk about promoting our brand, they sure do have people in key roles that don’t understand how to do it.

    Another problem is, the Ragin Pagin Liaison is the very same guy that’s making some of these decisions. Hopefully someone else in his office will read this and a do something about it.

    I told yall months ago, we gave wolves in the hen house.

  4. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajunArmy View Post
    Alright, you guys are right. Screw ALF. I’m gonna do it anyway. I’ve always been about doing what my listeners want. So I’ll bring it back. But I need your help. I need to promote this baby as much as I can so that they’re forced to recognize me as a legitimate member of the media. So share it on Facebook, Twitter, whatever else and let’s get this thing blown up!
    Matt, keep fighting for it and keep up the hard work. As one of your first guests on the podcast when you started it up I’ve seen how hard you’ve been working to make into something that the fans want to listen to.

  5. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajunArmy View Post
    Alright, you guys are right. Screw ALF. I’m gonna do it anyway. I’ve always been about doing what my listeners want. So I’ll bring it back. But I need your help. I need to promote this baby as much as I can so that they’re forced to recognize me as a legitimate member of the media. So share it on Facebook, Twitter, whatever else and let’s get this thing blown up!
    Hey hey that’s the spirit!

    As some of you may already know, I’ve been on Matt’s podcast a few times already. And what makes the podcast so great is that it gives a unique perspective from someone who love this university. At the end of the day, it’s Matt’s podcast so I will support whatever decision he makes. At the same time, I do believe this athletic program needs as much outlets to market it as possible even if it is a non-affiliation. Right now is a crucial time to get the brand out there, and Matt has taken time and used his own resources to make it happen.

    So here’s a challenge to all of you. For the next episode, do as much as you can to share it. Whether it’s word of mouth, Facebook (go and like the page), Twitter, or any other social media outlet; we need to get the word out to market this thing organically. And please give feedback. I’m sure Matt will be open to your opinions and views because when it’s all said and done; it’s about promoting the Ragin’ Cajun brand.

  6. #18

    Default Re: End of Ragin Cajun Army

    Who is ALF?

  7. #19

    Default Re: End of Ragin Cajun Army

    First let me say that I am not against this at all but this is something that has become a bit of a struggle for a lot of organizations and needs to be viewed from both perspectives.

    First and foremost is how does an organization control this? Does anyone with an internet connection and a tablet who labels themselves a journalist automatically get credentials?

    While this isn't politics there have certainly been some surprises through the years when political candidates found themselves having to back peddle after doing an interview with what they thought was a legitimate organization only to find out they are part of some radicalized group etc.

    Journalism doesn't require a license to practice, like law or medicine, but there are still a lot of concerns around ethics, sources, etc. that are taught as part of a formal education. How many times have we seen those that are supposed to be professional journalist get things wrong because they didn't do proper fact checking? Imagine if you are just handing out credentials to anyone who ask? Do they understand NCAA regs, Student privacy acts, libel and slander? There are also space constraints for game day activities.

    The bottom line is where does it start and where does it stop? Just because I've got a webpage and a camera can I get a photo pass with sideline access? Does my blog entitle me to free access to all sporting events and a seat in the pressbox or on pressrow for basketball? If so sign me up!!

    Below is the policy for UL credentials. Pretty clear cut and a quick look around it seems to be in line with what other Universities do as well.

    fyi - Way back when I was a student journalist with credentials and had all of the above access for a number of years so my perspective on this is a little different than many others.

  8. #20

    Default Re: End of Ragin Cajun Army


  9. #21

    Default Re: End of Ragin Cajun Army

    @Cajun90, the thing is that I am a podcast that covers only UL athletics that is well respected throughout the community. Furthermore, I’m free advertising for the program. I understand all processes that go into being a journalist in this regard. And to point out the space issue, I can’t tell how many people don’t sit in that press box or on press row for our games. Considering I had a pass last year, there is no reason that I don’t have one this year, and that’s the issue here.

  10. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    Who is ALF?
    That’s my question as well after reading this.

    It won’t be answered, though.

  11. Default Re: End of Ragin Cajun Army

    This is what revoked my credentials.

    "Web-based media sponsoring message boards and/or chat rooms that allow posting of anonymous information or rumors will not be issued credentials to Ragin' Cajuns sporting events."

    The irony is thick though. The athletic department almost immediately but certainly subsequently started posting officially in various forms on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

    All of whom have been proven to "allow posting of anonymous information or rumors."

    Oh well, all's well and that's swell, let the fall sports season begin.


  12. #24

    Default Re: End of Ragin Cajun Army

    Out of curiosity, how does not having a press pass keep you from doing what you do?

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