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Thread: DR. Maggard on BEV 8/20/19 3:00 P.M.

  1. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by RC8 View Post
    Like i said in the other thread.. I knew the number would be low but 11k total is goddamn pathetic. It sure would have been nice to have this game in Lafayette. Wonder where that deal went wrong 🤔🙄
    The same dude who thought we needed a 38k seat stadium to support our fan base was the same guy who figured our fan base was big enough to fill the Superdome.

    And i suppose in his defense at the time the deal was made nobody could have predicted that college football attendance nationwide would drop off a cliff. And nobody could have expected Hud to go from the most popular man in town to hated by half the fan base (which I do think affects attendance today.)

    But still.

    Honestly, 11k is honestly what we should have expected. We are a sun belt school that draws poorly in our own stadium. Why would anyone expect us to put more butts in the seats two hours away?

  2. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    The same dude who thought we needed a 38k seat stadium to support our fan base was the same guy who figured our fan base was big enough to fill the Superdome.

    And i suppose in his defense at the time the deal was made nobody could have predicted that college football attendance nationwide would drop off a cliff. And nobody could have expected Hud to go from the most popular man in town to hated by half the fan base (which I do think affects attendance today.)

    But still.

    Honestly, 11k is honestly what we should have expected. We are a sun belt school that draws poorly in our own stadium. Why would anyone expect us to put more butts in the seats two hours away?
    We put more than 11k butts in the seats 2 hours away 5’s not like it was totally crazy to think we could travel well.

  3. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Uhm probably when MSU said no
    Uhm so they said no and we just said ____ it we’ll play in Nola and y’all can get 40% of the gate while we get bent over the barrel and showed the 50 states?? Yeah the year that moo state was number one they traveled to south Alabama. SOUTH FKIN ALABAMA. The man in charge took no for an answer. It’s pathetic

  4. #16

    Default Re: DR. Maggard on BEV 8/20/19 3:00 P.M.

    Refresh my memory please? How many tickets did we buy from the UL ticket office as a fan base for the NO Bowls? I know we had quite a few people buy tickets through Ticketmaster and walk up.

  5. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by RC8 View Post
    Uhm so they said no and we just said ____ it we’ll play in Nola and y’all can get 40% of the gate while we get bent over the barrel and showed the 50 states?? Yeah the year that moo state was number one they traveled to south Alabama. SOUTH FKIN ALABAMA. The man in charge took no for an answer. It’s pathetic
    Oh it's just another reason to hate Scott Farmer.. he did us no favors. Glad he s gone

  6. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    Oh it's just another reason to hate Scott Farmer.. he did us no favors. Glad he s gone
    Not to mention moo state has recently traveled to umass and southern miss but we have to settle for the Nola deal cause they said “no” Lol give me a break

  7. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by RC8 View Post
    Not to mention moo state has recently traveled to umass and southern miss but we have to settle for the Nola deal cause they said “no” Lol give me a break
    Moo state was bargaining with a mental midget.

  8. #20

    Default Re: DR. Maggard on BEV 8/20/19 3:00 P.M.

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    11k tickets sold for NOLA game
    Thinking I heard that 11K number was for both schools combined.. did I hear wrong?

  9. Default Re: DR. Maggard on BEV 8/20/19 3:00 P.M.

    Quote Originally Posted by RC8 View Post
    Uhm so they said no and we just said ____ it we’ll play in Nola and y’all can get 40% of the gate while we get bent over the barrel and showed the 50 states?? Yeah the year that moo state was number one they traveled to south Alabama. SOUTH FKIN ALABAMA. The man in charge took no for an answer. It’s pathetic
    Don’t cheer too loud - I think we gave away 45%.

  10. #22

    Default Re: DR. Maggard on BEV 8/20/19 3:00 P.M.

    Quote Originally Posted by DieHard1280 View Post
    Refresh my memory please? How many tickets did we buy from the UL ticket office as a fan base for the NO Bowls? I know we had quite a few people but them in other ways.
    Was over 20K

  11. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by RC8 View Post
    Uhm so they said no and we just said ____ it we’ll play in Nola and y’all can get 40% of the gate while we get bent over the barrel and showed the 50 states?? Yeah the year that moo state was number one they traveled to south Alabama. SOUTH FKIN ALABAMA. The man in charge took no for an answer. It’s pathetic
    Didn’t say I agreed with it, you asked “wonder where that went wrong” I said when they said no. I’m Fully aware farmer was terrible at negotiating

  12. #24

    Default Re: DR. Maggard on BEV 8/20/19 3:00 P.M.

    Can any post this interview? I missed it.

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