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Thread: Napier makes the National News

  1. #73
    Oiler's Avatar Oiler is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Napier makes the National News

    In my humble opinion, Napier's intentions may have been noble, but there is no doubt that this move backfired on both he and the university itself.

    Football coaches should coach football, period. They aren't responsible for teaching life lessons. They should stick to teaching proper tackling techniques, route patterns, throwing mechanics, etc. Politics in any form has no place in any sport.

    The only "right" things football players should worry about doing are putting 100% effort into how they play and practice, obeying the law, and following the university's rules.

  2. #74

    Default Re: Napier makes the National News

    Appears to me that he corrected himself,

    "I know it came across nationally that maybe it was a mandatory (or) required experience. Maybe I misspoke in the way I presented it, and that's my fault."

    Quality person, and we're more than lucky to have him here

  3. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by USL1970 View Post
    The coaches should lead by example with each donating at least $1000 to RCAF with Napier a pinnacle amount - that would say a lot to the players.

    The bigger problem at UL is not with the student followers, but with the institutions leaders.

    You rarely here of donations from the highly paid coaches or administrators on the academic side.

    There are already plenty of examples elsewhere of that in college sports and academics.
    I’ve seen most of our coaches listed on the RCAF members rolls. They have skin in the game.

  4. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    In my humble opinion, Napier's intentions may have been noble, but there is no doubt that this move backfired on both he and the university itself.

    Football coaches should coach football, period. They aren't responsible for teaching life lessons. They should stick to teaching proper tackling techniques, route patterns, throwing mechanics, etc. Politics in any form has no place in any sport.

    The only "right" things football players should worry about doing are putting 100% effort into how they play and practice, obeying the law, and following the university's rules.
    I hope my sarcasm meter is broke. Because Tony Robichaux taught life lessons and turned boys into men above all things including coaching baseball.

  5. #77

    Default Re: Napier makes the National News

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Other schools will follow. Mark my word.
    When a favorite P5 does it, it wouldn't surprise me that they will be praised for being so innovative and forward thinking. lol.

  6. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Crowley Cajun View Post
    When a favorite P5 does it, it wouldn't surprise me that they will be praised for being so innovative and forward thinking. lol.
    Oh, you know that's coming. Just like when one of the big boys try to copy our new concession prices. UL won't get any credit for doing it first.

  7. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    Football coaches should coach football, period. They aren't responsible for teaching life lessons. They should stick to teaching proper tackling techniques, route patterns, throwing mechanics, etc. Politics in any form has no place in any sport.

    The only "right" things football players should worry about doing are putting 100% effort into how they play and practice, obeying the law, and following the university's rules.
    Should there be a “ha ha” at the end of this to indicate that it’s a joke? This university had a guy that was real good at that life lesson stuff.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Screw the national media! In honor of TJ Wisham earning a scholarship and his willingness to donate the $50, I added a $50 donation to my RCAF account to match his.
    Lets keep this going.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    In my humble opinion, Napier's intentions may have been noble, but there is no doubt that this move backfired on both he and the university itself.

    Football coaches should coach football, period. They aren't responsible for teaching life lessons. They should stick to teaching proper tackling techniques, route patterns, throwing mechanics, etc. Politics in any form has no place in any sport.

    The only "right" things football players should worry about doing are putting 100% effort into how they play and practice, obeying the law, and following the university's rules.
    Shocking take.

  10. #82

    Default Re: Napier makes the National News

    “Make your mess your message”

    Napier had the right intentions by teaching these young men to show gratitude and learn to serve others. Stick to your message Napier, I believe your doing the right thing, and I truly believe Tony would support this also.

  11. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    I’ve seen most of our coaches listed on the RCAF members rolls. They have skin in the game.
    Napier announced that he just wrote a check to where he played football, not UL.

    He is here and he should support UL just as he was selling his players, and I don't mean making a $50 donation for his players if one of his players can not or will not donate.

  12. #84

    Default Re: Napier makes the National News

    Players agreed to play here and signed a contract. Now coach gets up and says they are now required to give $50. It looks like he changed the terms of the agreement after it was signed.

    You guys can blame the media if you want to, but he clearly said it was required for scholarship players.

    He has dialed it back after realizing how this looks.

    The man made a mistake and now he's doing a little damage control and moving on.

    Some here should realize that even great men make mistakes sometimes.

    I think most employees would have a problem if their boss suddenly required that they donate a specific amount to some organization in order to remain employed with the company.

    Oh, and I know it's my opinion not yours.

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