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Thread: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

  1. #289


    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    As far as the podcast, well done in the respect of "breaking the mold" so to speak...doing something fan driven outside the norm. Not everyone will be lock step in agreement, but it's a starting point for discussion. Just remember, don't wiz on people too much that disagree with you, be it ML supporters, basketball supporters or such. They are still supporters, and if the podcast is about UL and not yourselves, you need them in you corner. You may be too young to know this, one of our older and maybe forgotten trolls back to the Delphi days, Mike, a USL student, now of Tiger Rag etc fame, stayed his course and has quite the enterprise now. Wish the same success, abet please don't be a donkey like him.

    Just remember, on a few occasions we've had opponents' podcasts linked here and they were trashed pretty brutally. Expect the same, just grow thick skin and smile.

    Good luck and God Bless. I'll get my blue haired self back to chasing people off my lawn.
    Ah the Delphi troll ULLJimJones. How could we forget that goon?

  2. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    As far as the podcast, well done in the respect of "breaking the mold" so to speak...doing something fan driven outside the norm. Not everyone will be lock step in agreement, but it's a starting point for discussion. Just remember, don't wiz on people too much that disagree with you, be it ML supporters, basketball supporters or such. They are still supporters, and if the podcast is about UL and not yourselves, you need them in you corner. You may be too young to know this, one of our older and maybe forgotten trolls back to the Delphi days, Mike, a USL student, now of Tiger Rag etc fame, stayed his course and has quite the enterprise now. Wish the same success, abet please don't be a donkey like him.

    Just remember, on a few occasions we've had opponents' podcasts linked here and they were trashed pretty brutally. Expect the same, just grow thick skin and smile.

    Good luck and God Bless. I'll get my blue haired self back to chasing people off my lawn.
    Very interesting comments.

    My skins are on the wall. I'm Verm & White, through and through; unabashedly so. You guys know that. Thickest skin in the Parish. Like you ZZ, I'm happy Matt started this outlet. It's gold, and it's the future of audio content. Thrilled that he asked me to be a part of it. I certainly take your guys' critiques into consideration, but I still have to be me. It's all I know how to be. I think we need to continue shining the light on things that have been ignored. One of which, is the enormous generational gap in our basketball fanbase. I know we will not always be perfect with stats, with player pronunciations or dates from 20 years ago. But as long as I'm involved, you'll get the discussions that traditional media shy away from. I am beholden to know one, so I can say certain things. I will do my best to never make it personal with anyone, but sometimes, conversations need to take place in order to advance the cause. I'll take the heat.

    Please keep listening!

  3. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Ah the Delphi troll ULLJimJones. How could we forget that goon?
    You mean... RiverRanchClown?

  4. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Ah the Delphi troll ULLJimJones. How could we forget that goon?
    Knew him back then. Sadly, his out and out hatred of our/his university is mind boggling. Never could understand it. Wonder if he got violated with a slide ruler in a computer lab.

    RRM is bad, but a shadow of Mike.

  5. #293


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    You mean... RiverRanchClown?
    No, different guy.

  6. #294


    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Knew him back then. Sadly, his out and out hatred of our university is mind boggling. Never could understand it.

    RRM is bad, but a shadow of Mike.
    What’s hilarious is that he would deny his real identity on Delphi only to brag about what he did to a mutual friend of mine who knows him. LOL.

  7. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    You younger guys, here's the ultimate troll from back in the day. RMM and the mutts don't come close.

    Did business with him for a bit, his slamming the Cajuns every time I went in his shop sent me elsewhere.

  8. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Very interesting comments.

    My skins are on the wall. I'm Verm & White, through and through; unabashedly so. You guys know that. Thickest skin in the Parish. Like you ZZ, I'm happy Matt started this outlet. It's gold, and it's the future of audio content. Thrilled that he asked me to be a part of it. I certainly take your guys' critiques into consideration, but I still have to be me. It's all I know how to be. I think we need to continue shining the light on things that have been ignored. One of which, is the enormous generational gap in our basketball fanbase. I know we will not always be perfect with stats, with player pronunciations or dates from 20 years ago. But as long as I'm involved, you'll get the discussions that traditional media shy away from. I am beholden to know one, so I can say certain things. I will do my best to never make it personal with anyone, but sometimes, conversations need to take place in order to advance the cause. I'll take the heat.

    Please keep listening!
    I think we all should be ourselves. Sometimes we need to understand how others might take our comments. From the time of Bo Lamar we’ve had older fans. I can’t understand why we’d make that sound bad. Let’s focus on encouraging all potential fans. If a person pays their tickets and puts their butts in the stadium I’ll love um up.

    Coaches? It’s a career path for most. They’re often disloyal seeking a bigger gig while on the UL payroll. That’s fine but they’re open to good or bad criticism. The criticism doesn’t have to be accurate to be valid. It’s one persons belief.

    Run your site however you please. It’s success or failure is in your hands.

  9. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    I think we all should be ourselves. Sometimes we need to understand how others might take our comments. From the time of Bo Lamar we’ve had older fans. I can’t understand why we’d make that sound bad. Let’s focus on encouraging all potential fans. If a person pays their tickets and puts their butts in the stadium I’ll love um up.

    Coaches? It’s a career path for most. They’re often disloyal seeking a bigger gig while on the UL payroll. That’s fine but they’re open to good or bad criticism. The criticism doesn’t have to be accurate to be valid. It’s one persons belief.

    Run your site however you please. It’s success or failure is in your hands.
    You are missing the point. The comment is not aimed at the older fans. The comment is meant to highlight the fact that we have a very small YOUNGER fanbase. 80% of our crowd is Fans from the glory days, the students and band. We are in dangerous territory. When the social club and glory days base goes to be with Jesus, who will buy the $12 beers? Who will buy the $25 single game ticket? Who will direct RCAF donations for coaching salaries?

    It's a problem.

  10. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    You are missing the point. The comment is not aimed at the older fans. The comment is meant to highlight the fact that we have a very small YOUNGER fanbase. 80% of our crowd is Fans from the glory days, the students and band. We are in dangerous territory. When the social club and glory days base goes to be with Jesus, who will buy the $12 beers? Who will buy the $25 single game ticket? Who will direct RCAF donations for coaching salaries?

    It's a problem.
    Yup. When THE BAND are the defacto cheerleaders at basketball games, that's a problem. When cheerleading became a "sport", their roles as cheerleaders ended. Other than throwing tee shirts to the crowd, they serve no function.

  11. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    No I got the point; however I’m hearing it as a negative on older crowd instead of a challenge to make inroads to the younger fans. We lost a lot between the end of Stokley until Bustle.

    What I’m hearing is on me, which is why I said to be careful. People hear what they’re biased to hear. We see it every day in politics. I’m not gonna debate this any further. Let’s build a bigger, stronger fan badly is all I’m gonna pursue.

  12. Default Re: Ragin Cajun Army Podcasts

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    No I got the point; however I’m hearing it as a negative on older crowd instead of a challenge to make inroads to the younger fans. We lost a lot between the end of Stokley until Bustle.

    What I’m hearing is on me, which is why I said to be careful. People hear what they’re biased to hear. We see it every day in politics. I’m not gonna debate this any further. Let’s build a bigger, stronger fan badly is all I’m gonna pursue.
    I don't know how you feel like it's a negative on you. The older crowd is rowing the boat for basketball and has been for years. The only way to get the younger generation back is to..... WIN.

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