The viewing date of the final championship game is my goal. How we get there matters not. Fully rested teams would just be lagniappe.
Move the season back a week is another option.
The NFL has 5 weeks from start to Super Bowl, and 1 week more before the All-star game. College bowls go from Dec. 20 to mid January these days.
Jan 1 bowl games were the secret sauce that grew the sport.
College football would not be where it is today if the final game had always been on Jan 13th.
A July 4th baseball championship would grow the sport.
jmo jmw
It needs to go back to what made it great. The old format in Rosenblatt Stadium. Single elimination for the championship game.
I feel MLB is doing itself a disservice holding their draft during the 3rd month of the regular season.
If they wanted maximum exposure, they should hold it immediately following the CWS Championship game.
If exposure is irrelevant they should hold the draft in the off season like the NFL.
Baseball fans would be more into it under either of those scenarios.
No I didn't but I also didn't have a bbq by the pool to go to, or fireworks to pop or the beach for the Fourth of July or the camp at false river or the point or grand isle. On Wednesday June 26th at 6pm I literally had nothing better to do than watch college baseball. Most people have plenty of better things to do on 4th of July than sit inside and watch tv.
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