Maybe those men are taking personal responsibility by not taking a public ___ on the players. The players accepted the opportunity rewarded to them, the coaches mismanaged who should have been given those opportunities. If you were offered a scholarship would you have not accepted it?
Leger just hit 90 on that strikeout.
Gunner touching 90-91?!
What inflammation?
This reminds me of a good ole fashion Cajuns game. Lovin it. What is all this ____ing and moaning.
Leger determined not to go out on bad note.
Leger looked really sharp. Did not throw many pitches either.
Gunner looked great. Hope that’s not the last time I see him. Good win boys. Go shock the world, or at least the sunbelt.
Gunner completely outclassed those guys. It’s easy to forget just how easy he made it look when healthy
Who y’all think we throw tomorrow?
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