Pressure much? Good Lord. See, Szefc and Deggs go into loser programs and turn them around with little possible downside. We will need to be every year bottom feeders for a change to be made, not a .500 team. Changing coaches would need to be a no lose situation. Good AD's are generally risk adverse and good risk managers.
We just feel like bottom feeders because we were so dam good at playing baseball.
That is the key here. Lets say this year we finish with 30 wins. Is that where we bottom out? Do we drop down to 25 next year?
Can Tony turn it around? Of course he can. We won 23 games in 2012 and followed that with 43, 58, 42 and 43.
Let's just hope this year is the bottom.....
So let just say we go not counting this year but an additional 2-3 more years in a row of not making a regional (that would be 5-6 years total). What difference would it make if he would replace Coach Robe and if he would happen to make a bad hire? At least the AD tired something! So we should just keep a coach because of the success he had 5-6 years earlier?
However, let's hope things get turnaround!
I guess we could be 10-26 vs 17-19.....LOL
Really, I get your point. Regardless, going 3 years in a row without making a regional is totally inexcusable and 4 would be well! Well, I need not say more! The sad part is if this team went 4 years in a row without making a regional there will still be some that will keep finding excuses because they like him!
So this would be the first time in his career to miss regionals 3 years in a row(still hasn’t missed it yet) and you are just going to assume he misses it 6 in a row? Obviously if he doesn’t turn it around then that’s a different conversation but we aren’t there yet. You don’t fire a hall of fame coach just because you think you can get a D1 assistant to take the job. You should go back to the post where you admitted you don’t know anything. You get rid of tony when you think you have somebody who can take you where he can’t.
Let's hope he does not miss it 6 in a row. I was only stating a if it happen. And my comment of not knowing anything is I am not a baseball coach but you do not have to be a baseball coach to see the crap that is going on. New stadium, missing regional two years in a row and a current losing record with almost 2/3 of the season gone. So ole wise one tell me what you know about baseball? Homer type idiot fans like you are what the problem is! We cannot replace the coach. Did this 10 years ago and most of all that is important is he is my BFF.
So let me ask you this ole wise ball coach, would you rather have Deggs and his staff or Tony and his staff coaching your team today?
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