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Thread: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

  1. #145

    Default Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    UL is in a no win situation here.

    Except and unless Robichaux returns to his winning ways.

    UL is in a no win situation BECAUSE .... if you think any past coaches had hard core support, you ain't seen nothing.

    Fans are one aspect, but not offending hard core dollar supporters could be another.

    Especially for a near .500 season.
    Problem with UL people get attached to coaches they are just a investment by the univ and need to be viewed as such.

  2. #146

    Default Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    If we are being honest, and a coach needs to be dismissed it ain’t Robe. It’s big fish.

  3. #147

    Default Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    If we are being honest, and a coach needs to be dismissed it ain't Robe. It's big fish.
    Let's be honest with ourselves. Both will be back next year. That being said I believe both will have to produce in order to be back in 2021.

  4. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by DuckmfumbleLGrad View Post
    Who is wanting to make a changes just to make a change? Most taking about it is because of the what is going with the program and I am sure you can even see it!

    Also, what is the big difference of having record a few games under 500 or some over. It is about at least making a regional.

    Seems it went from making a regional to now being over 500 as acceptable.
    It’s safe to say that all of us would want the same thing. And yes, I do believe that some people just tend to defend our coaches at all costs regardless of outcomes which can become dangerous.

    With that being said, and I’ve said this before. Robe has earned a little more time to correct this. He has done it before, and we are undergoing our first year with a new hitting system and pitching changes. Now next year and the year after that, if we don’t start showing signs of improvement, then yes. There’s no question that there should be talks of changes because by then, you will start to sacrifice the betterment of the program with a 5-year drought. And Robe has said himself. This isn’t his program. He’s just there to manage it. And yes, I am saying this as a huge Robe fan. But at the same time, it’s about the program at the end of the day.

    Again, we have seen Robe turn the program around before (see: 2012). Let’s give it some time to see if he can do it again.

  5. #149

    Default Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    Anyone see what Florida’s record is this year?

  6. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Anyone see what Florida’s record is this year?

  7. #151

    Default Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    Currently, 24 wins with 14 losses with the 29 ranked RPI. He has only been a HC since 2008 and he has been to 7 CWS (all since 2010) and won the title in 2017. Must suck to be FL fan I guess! And he won the regular season SEC title last year and made the CWS for like 4 years in row!

    Really are you serious even bring FL up!

  8. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Anyone see what Florida’s record is this year?
    Please elaborate bc on the surface, this doesn’t mean anything to me.

  9. UL Baseball Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    On the surface, change for change sake, is dumb.

    If you truly believe that climbing out of the valley is impossible, then it might be prudent.

    If you truly think a hole is being dug and the future is below .500 then change might be smart.

    But just "wanting to see a change" is dumb.
    Very few coaches have been able to recapture the magic that they once had. That's why the saying is you're hired to be fired.

    For most of his career Robe has been flirting with 2/3 winning. Overall he's now very near .600 or 3/5. It's a young man's game for the most part. Yes, there are Sabans, but not many, and Saban has never really been down in college football.

  10. #154

    Default Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    20 plus years as the coach, new stadium, and team is in a pretty major re-build mode based on all the JUCO's coming in next year!

    Hopefully, Jake Wells is Deggs 2.0 and then some! But someone brings up FL! LOL

  11. #155

    Default Re: Cajuns' JUCO signees having solid seasons

    I must’ve misread something this am. I thought I read they at .500 this year

  12. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    C’mon Dad. You know it’s not about a .500 season. It’s about 3+ years of bad baseball with no uptick in sight. You’re the one pointing it out most games. If you want to continue watching it, that’s fine. But don’t call people dumb for wanting to see a change.
    I don't like the trajectory any more than anyone and mistakes have been made. Big ones. If next year is another filled with injury, tension and weather excuses, a BIG drop in attendance AND a losing season, that might catch the eye of the athletic department.

    I am sure Maggard will need massive support from the administration to make any changes. I still think another crappy season will simply get Robe put on the clock. I could be wrong. I was sure Gunner was gone in 2017, I just hadn't seen the MRI.

    Here is the deal. If recruiting does not get fixed fast, I weep for the future and a change will be made.

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