Perhaps it's time for you to do the same. Stop being a ____! I don't care what he was allowed to do, two facts remain in spite of your constant banter that he has no leash. 1) He was voted team captain by his teammates, which tells me there are no major problems with him in the locker room. 2) Two, their decision to give him time to get his bat going was the right one all along in light of his current numbers.
And let's not pretend it's just about all the other players you mentioned. Your comments began with Lockridge not getting his chance and suggesting the best SS wasn't even on the field, but sitting on the bench. Not only has Lockridge not hit, his defense was putrid early which lead the staff to put Windham in the lineup.
I'm done with this stupidity! You have your opinions, leave the personal garbage out of them.
Couple of questions. Who would you have put at third last year instead of Windham? Where would you have played Todd Lott last year? I'm assuming you'd leave him as the permanent DH like he's basically been this year. Personaly Todd Lott this year looks nothing like Todd Lott from last year. I don't think Todd Lott last year would have looked any better if he had played all year. Too many guys last year had incredibly bad strike zone recognition. That seems to be getting better this year with a couple of exceptions. As to O'Neal, I was pulling for him at the start of the year and he was hitting OK before slumping but our defense looked horrible. You can say Cantrelle was part of that and you'd be right, but it was interesting that when Windham entered suddenly Cantrelle quit making errors.
Know what's really crazy? We already have as many homeruns as we did all of last year.
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